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Mr. Ed

12/12/02 4:28 PM

#42 RE: greg s #40

greg-here's a response I got re last post from greenspan board on RB(Icke post/madness),absolutely pathetic-

I for one totally subscribe to his writings. I'm 77 and many of my generation (ww2 vets) didn't believe the "nurenburg" accustations then and do not to this day.

those people used the "six million" to milk $35 Mil out of the American people in 1919. Said six million were in harms way during the war and 835,00 of "their children" were presently starving. The "appeal" for aid went out through the churches. Talk about a con!!.

The accusations didn't sell well early on, but was resurrected in the early sixties and haven't let up to this day.

Besides, we had nothing to do with what happened or didn't happen in Europe during the war. So why are they preaching it here? That's where the money is. politicos give them everything they want or they don't make it next time around. Anything to stay in office.

In all of fdr and churchills' writings not one word of genocide was ever mentioned. I will never believe the Christian Germans were mass murderers.

I know this is the kind of conversation that gets you banned. So be it. I've been on borrowed time anyway.

I'll say it again: "when a well orchestrated web of lies is spoon fed the public generation after generation the truth is rejected out of hand and the messenger regarded a rant raving lunatic. Plato said something like that 2500 yrs ago.
The more things change the more they stay the same.


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