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04/13/11 11:50 PM

#18745 RE: Gopher Gold #18744

In case aneon has forgot about all the dd done here,Nothing has changed and is still on track!!!!!!!


04/14/11 12:11 AM

#18746 RE: Gopher Gold #18744

No kidding! From the Hydro section:

Hydro Energy

Hydropower captures the energy of flowing water through generators and turns this energy into electricity. The most common type of hydropower involves the use of a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir. When this water is released, it flows through turbines, activating a generator to produce electricity. Other methods of generation use smaller canals to channel river water through turbines ("run-of-river"). Pumped storage plants are able to store power through backwards pumping of water into an upper reservoir before releasing it when needed in order to spin generators and produce electricity.

3Power is investigating a number of European and Latin American project opportunities at different stages of development.

Target Markets and Projects


3Power is the final stages of negotiation to acquire the majority stake of 200 MW of hydro power plant projects in Turkey. Some of the projects have been completed and are connected to the grid; others are in the development or construction stage. All studies and valuations for the projects have been completed and long term debt finance is in place.


3Power are investigating hydropower opportunities within Honduras and the potential participation in the development of a 14 MW hydroelectric plant. It is indicated that the technical and permitting studies for this project have been completed, with a firm power purchase agreement in place, and with an optional 40 MW second phase development.

We have completed, connected projects in Turkey!

As Rocketman would say: SWEET!