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04/13/11 9:42 PM

#127598 RE: Wooden Indian #127595

I have posted couple times now mainly to counter B.N.'s posts about how our dollar is worthless and the economy is going to end, to open an ifinix forex account, bet against the dollar. Make a shi* load of money, then once the economy turns around bet with the dollar and make another shi* load of money. While all this is happening inix is clearing your pip spreads (which are competitive), which will in turn make revenues for the company and your stock.
Go inix and good luck woody!!!!!
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04/14/11 2:04 AM

#127606 RE: Wooden Indian #127595

EDIT: "There's a whole world of INIX that nobody on the board is talking about. It basically is their whole business and it's where they make their money. It's not fair to be talking about something we really know very little about or pay little attention to. I think INIX will prove itself to be a leader in this as many invsestors turn to (gambling) forex trading for a lot of reasons. All the tools are there and so is the expertise".

Not to burst the bubble but have ya ever heard of
forex"dot" com?

Maybe "Gain" capital?

FOREX com's parent company GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GCAP) is a global provider of online trading services. GAIN's innovative trading technology provides market access and highly automated trade execution services across multiple asset classes, including foreign exchange (forex or FX), contracts for difference (CFDs) and exchange-based products, to a diverse client base of retail and institutional investors.

See ifinix uses forex "dot" com for its platforms and clearing...
Essentally you are trading thru that company....
I went over this quite a while ago when looking into the competitors against "Realtime and Trader" etc.....

It's only a guess but I imagine that ifinix brings in pennies on the dollar after expenses, fees and commissions to the other company... (pssst... we already know that much)

That is what was (WAS) to be the beauty of ifinix (over a year ago).....It was going to introduce a new, improved trading platform that was going to take the market by storm.....
This didnt happen... Hell, this goldmine stunt might be the only thing that makes any real money or atleast something you can actually touch, Someday....???
Hey, maybe the economy will turn around and more people will be searching out new brokerages to open accts with?

Old Bammy was speaking tonight, said he wants to end the tax breaks to the "rich".? We'll see how that works out. Sounds like the only foreseeable future will still be "infastructure" which is bad because the "people" need to create the economy not the gov. As more may be working it costs the gov to create the jobs so taxes go up leaving the newly employed with less cash to open lets say, oh, an iCapital acct..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Hey, congrats on the recent gains... I would have traded this little piggy also had I been able to.... But, because of past company events, I could not because my brokerage does not trade paper shares. Ya think the big boys knew that when they decided to pull all the old shares and throw new shares on everyone? hmmmm
(fighting the shorts they were)...
I wonder if they knew the mess that would be created with the warrant certs? hmmmm
"hey you guysssssssssss, cmon over to icapital, we take anyyyyything, just for you..... with trades as low as $5...
(that still in effect?)


Cant wait to see whats next.......

Keep up the good work though, some of the posts are "priceless".


"The point is what Ben says above (To allow IFINIX a vehicle to obtain operating capital and flexibility to expand the company's SUBSIDIARIES.

That's why I feel it is very important that we have increased revenues in our subsidiaries by 24%. Isn't this the way our company will become profitable. Woody is right people lose sight of our main objectives here".

This company has been searching for Operating capital since 2001 when it became iFinix.... dat deres a long time, yup yup
