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05/01/05 9:25 PM

#10509 RE: Bobwins #10488

Bobwins: Oil Profits & Saudi Arabia:

If the fanatics take over Saudi Arabia, everything I think about the EOTWAWKI will be wrong. It will be far worse!

As to oil profits, sorry, I ain't buying it. You are far too apologetic for the oil industry IMO. Exxon just made 8 BILLION DOLLARS PROFIT in the most recent quarter. It was well over twice the profits of GE or any other DOW component. Despite representing only 3.3% of the DOW, Exxon's profits were close the 30% of the profits of the 30 stocks in the DOW!!!

If that isn't price gouging - or at the barest of minimums, being the benefactor of massive windfalls that are wholly unrelated to their costs to do business - then what is it?


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05/01/05 10:59 PM

#10519 RE: Bobwins #10488


Perhaps I could be more clear. I was pointing out, correctly, the oil companies are making massive profits and some wells could be profitable at $3 oil. I didn't say I recommended or wanted that. Even the most difficult oil in most cases can be lifted for less than $15 a barrel.

It was just to make the point that the oil companies and countries are, in fact, making massive obscene profits off the oil shortage. They are probably the most profitable legal businesses on earth right now. Their costs have remained the same, even lessened, and the price of the product keeps going up, up, up.

I am in favor of greater energy efficiency and renewable resources. I agree that the American consumer is unlikely to switch wholeheartedly without massive price rises.

China will pay $50 for oil because it doesn't produce enough oil for its own use, just like the United States. I fail to see your point here. They have no choice.

In any case, the oil companies are making obscene profits. That's a fact, not a political or populist view.

Please don't go on about how "difficult" the oil business is...they are making some of the greatest profits in the history of mankind. They themselves are dreadfully excited by $50 oil and drilling all over the place.

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05/02/05 12:31 AM

#10529 RE: Bobwins #10488

Bobwins versus Argyll on Oil !!!

Argyll, where in the world does it cost $3/barrel to produce Oil ???

THE ANSWER = only in your head !!!

In Texas it costs about $20/barrel at the well-head !!!