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04/12/11 12:13 PM

#107484 RE: jkupper #107483

yea- We can see the promoter pumping that up and showing the less informed about the info you speak of (Thus the current guessing game lol). He is going after former BEHL president Monique Berry it seems, in order to continually divert the attention/blame away from Dennis Fisher, Pawson, and the current joke garbage plans for the company.

Funny how everyone had no problem worshipping her even when we said how horrid the interview was, but once the company implodes and it is all blamed on her, behlievers now say how pathetic the interview was.

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04/12/11 12:40 PM

#107485 RE: jkupper #107483

Jeez, how long does one have to wait after they don't get paid from one company, finally quit and to try to make a living in something else. Since the company BEHL wasn't paying the employees for months, I would say that might be reason for quitting.

Working for no money isn't really being "in the door" thats for sure. I guess she should have just stayed on unemployment to make others happy, I don't know. Of course BEHL probably wasn't making proper payments into the unemployment system either.

Since BEHL wasn't doing anything with algae, wasn't making anything, didn't have any viable product, CEO and Pawson's gang taking the money from share selling instead of putting back in any business (like not paying the employees), why not try to make some company that will. There is lots of other companies doing something with algae.

Just because BEHL wasn't doing anything but scamming on just the idea of algae and not have anything to do with really having any product but shares for sale and she couldn't make a living with that company, I would think it's just fine to try to make a living after she quits doing something else.

I would say that Dennis Fisher was way more "aloof" as you say than Monique ever was and the "explains" didn't explain at all, just confirmation that BEHL was a dead company, the CEO was just living it up on the companies money and the shell owners were just hording in the cash from shareholders and employees paychecks.

I would definitely expect all the past non paid employees try to get a job or future going somewhere else that probably entails their past experience. At least it's pretty common for people to find another job or career after the last company went belly up and out of business (except for selling shares in a toxic shell).

Nothing "interesting" there, just common life trying to work for living. If one tries to gets a job after loosing one want's to be called "half out the door", I guess one would have to put that label on millions of people that lost their job with all the layoffs and companies that have gone out of business.

Not enough logic there to start anything too "interesting" or out of the ordinary. But if there was anything, it only confirms more of BS that goes with this stock. But since she is no longer an employee, doesn't have much to do with all the share selling and increase of A/S, phantom CEO's, low life promoters, and that it's still got nothing but a R/S coming and more shares to sell and more losses for any new money.
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04/12/11 1:04 PM

#107486 RE: jkupper #107483

According to Dennis Fisher's last interview they knew the company was in trouble back in June. Does not take a lot to understand that things were dire by August and of course we know about the layoffs of the less crucial employees. It all adds up to people already thinking ahead that the train was coming apart, I see nothing wrong with it. Of course I am not a fan either as I called the interview the worst thing ever, it matters nothing as to whom is to blame for that. Setting one up for failure is just telling them to shoot from the hip and that is exactly how that interview came across.