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04/19/11 11:37 PM

#137410 RE: dbleagl #136648

Suicide risk jumps for gay teens in "unsupportive" counties

(Credit: CBS/iStockphoto)

By Neil Katz
April 18, 2011 10:03 AM

(CBS) Being young and gay can be deadly, especially if you are raised in the wrong place.

That's the conclusion of a new study out of Columbia University which found self-identified gay, lesbian and bisexual teens were five times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts. More than 20 percent of the 1,400 LGB teens in the study said they had done so.

The research supports previous studies, which found high rates of suicide amongst LGB youth, but scientists found something else this time - where you live can make a difference. In areas more antagonistic to homosexuals, suicide attempt rates were 20 percent higher for LGB teens.

Researchers, led by Mark Hatzenbuehler [ ], studied surveys from 34 counties of Oregon. The state was chosen because it is the only one that records sexual orientation and suicide attempts in detail, according to the Oregonian.

For each county, Hatzenbuehler's team tracked the proportion of same-sex couples, number of schools with gay-straight alliances and anti-bullying policies in the schools. They also tracked the number of registered Democrats. They combined these factors into one score that attempted to rate counties on how supportive an environment they created for LGB teens.

LGB teens were more likely to attempt suicide in "less supportive" counties but interestingly, so were straights.

"Heterosexual youths living in less supportive environments were 9 percent more likely to attempt suicide," Hatzenbuehler told the Oregonian. "That suggest that when you create environments supportive for lesbian, gay and bisexual youths, it creates a healthier environment for all youths."

The research is sure to add fuel to the debate over anti-bullying programs around the country that try to help gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered teens. Conservative opponents say the programs push a homosexual agenda on kids. Proponents say something must be done after a series of high profile suicides of gay youth including Rutgers student Tyler Clementi [;contentBody ], 13-year-olds Asher Brown and Seth Walsh [ ] and 15-year-old Justin Aaberg [ ].

"Regardless of your views, our data suggests that the inclusion of gay straight alliances and anti-discrimination programs can have really important mental health outcomes for our youths," Hatzenbuehler told CBS News. "This is a road map to how we can begin to reduce teen suicide," he added.

The study was published in the journal Pediatrics [ ].

Copyright ©2011 CBS Interactive Inc. (emphasis added) [with comments]


Study Shows Suicide More Prevalent In Republican, Conservative Areas
April 18, 2011


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04/20/11 3:18 AM

#137413 RE: dbleagl #136648

FEAR FEAR AND MORE FEAR .. it really is sad that such an influential person in America remains so deluded ..

"Gingrich lauds the MFC for “vigorously defending our God-given freedom in our communities, schools,
at the Capitol and the ballot box” and asks people to “join me and Congresswoman Michele
Bachmann in rediscovering God and the vital role of faith and family in our American freedoms.”"

Will, Newt, ever think for himself before he meets .. no one.
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04/23/11 4:43 AM

#137730 RE: dbleagl #136648

Tenn. Crackpot Lawmaker Succeeds With ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill
April 22, 2011

Hi, dbleagl, seems, Sen. Stacey Campfield, (R) is a new boy to the board. With 15 links.

(ChattahBox Political News)—With Republicans controlling both chambers of the Tennessee state legislature and the governor’s office, backbencher kooky right-wing lawmakers, like state Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) are having a field day. Known for once having tried to join the Black Legislative Caucus and attacking the group as the KKK when they rejected him, Campfield, a 42-year old never-married, rabidly anti-gay family values conservative, has finally succeeded in getting one of his extreme stunt bills out of committee. The bill dubbed, the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, would ban teachers from teaching, discussing, or even responding to a question about homosexuality in kindergarten through grade eight classrooms. Although homosexuality is not currently part of the curriculum, Campfield believes his bill is needed to completely wipe out the gay, so teachers can concentrate on “arithmetic.”

Campfield, a birther, who signed on to one of Orly Taitz’s crazy birther lawsuits, has been kicking around Tennessee politics for the past six-years, developing a reputation as an in-your-face far right-wing crank, with an extra side of weird.

During his state senatorial campaign, Campfield was famously thrown out of a UT football game for donning a “Luchador’s (Mexican wrestler’s) full head mask,” in violation of a Halloween ban on masks. After scaring a child and exhibiting “odd behavior,” the police escorted Campfield out.

That incident is pretty weird, but weirder still, is his bizarre history of sponsoring numerous wingnut stunt bills covering the three Gs, God, gays and guns, including a vile bill to issue death certificates for aborted fetuses. And a slew of misogynistic so-called “fathers’ rights” bills that make it harder for women to obtain orders of protection from abusive partners, prove sexual abuse of children and obtain child support.

The Nashville Scene’s Pith in the Wind blog, described Campfield’s numerous fathers’ rights bills, as women “are crazy lying bitches men need protecting from…” bills.

Campfield’s stunt bills never make it anywhere. He’s been trying to get his ban the gay talk bill passed for six-years. But with the GOP inmates currently running the Tennessee legislative asylum, his “Don’t Say Gay” bill may be the exception.

Think Progress’ the Wonk Room reports:

“A bill popularly known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill advanced yesterday out of the Tennessee Senate Education Committee. The bill would prohibit teachers from discussing of any sexuality except heterosexuality in grades K-8,” even with students who may be gay or have gay family,” according to Ben Byers of the Tennessee Equality Council (TEP). The committee amended the bill to require the Board of Education to study whether homosexuality is actually being taught in schools, but it will still institute a ban in February of next year.”

Campfield believes that his bill would get the word out that there is a difference between tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality.

“If I can take one thing away and say, hey, you don’t have to teach about homosexuality to your second-graders, you can spend more time on arithmetic,” said Campfield.

As if his “Don’t Say Gay” bill isn’t strange enough, as always with Campfield, comes an extra dose of weird. He’s being accused of improperly demanding a $1,000 “retainer” from Hollywood producer and gay-rights activist Del Shores, in exchange for traveling to Texas to debate his bill with Shores.

‘”I’m not going to pay air fare to Texas and a hotel, then have the guy stiff me,” he said, adding the retainer request came when he understood the debate would be in Texas.”

Weird, bigoted, a right-wing crank, a misogynist and a homophobe. That’s quite a combination, even for a Republican state lawmaker in Tennessee.

We'll sneak in one other Tennessee whackadoodle

.. in Tennessee, Republican state Sen. Bill Ketron has upped the ante by proposing a law that would make
it a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison for any person who knowingly supports Sharia law.