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04/12/11 5:41 AM

#18553 RE: pickinNclickin #18541

Thanks for posting your FAVS of mine............

hedge: "With the payment to Chang due in May, and NO contracts signed, the chance their(SNK) shares will be FURTHER diluted is something they must consider..."

since when did you become an advisor to snk??

I never said I was an advisor to SNK, did I? I was answering the question some LONGS were asking........Why would SNK sell?

I was merely giving my side of the arguement. It has been suggested by some that SNK won't sell for a loss, has it not?

SNK bought warrants @.28, when the pps was above $1.00. Those shares had a 90 day restriction left when Carl WHINED to the SEC about the PROMO. They could/would have sold that summer for a PROFIT. SNK is not the investment group LONGS portray them to be. You yourself posted that the SEC is seeking an injuction against one of their principle's. The SEC is seeking to stop their PUMP and DUMP ways.

hedge: "Looks like they(SNK) were STUPID to buy VSPC in the first place, right?"

tisk tisk

In case you didn't know SNK is down about 95%, or $16MM. I stand by that quote.

hedge: "As far as SNK...........don't you want to see some cheapies? I am looking for a possible entry, aren't you?"

there you go again implying they will sell and drop the pps!

Implying they may sell.....not that they would sell. I have said more than once I don't know if they will, but have listed reasons why I believe they will. Just because the pps didn't go below a penny yesterday doen't mean SNK is not selling, or the pps won't drop further.

Did Carl say GKG would generate $20MM in feed......or just imply it?

hedge: "This GKG scheme sounds really good, but if Carl and Chang really believed, they would cancel at least half their shares, forgo a salary for now, and produce pellets at the facility in China. The May payment wouldn't be an issue nor DILUTION a threat."

calling gkg a "scheme"...maybe you should become a personal advisor to carl and chang as well as SNK...imho of course

Carbon neutral marketing and plans of action are called schemes. I don't get your point?

A scheme definition includes a plan of action.

I also stand behind the point about Carl and Chang. If they believe in this PLAN OF ACTION(scheme).......forgo your salaries and take the May payment off the table.

hedge: "This recent run up is by design. Unless a deal is signed soon, the stock will be back down where it was"

oh deal yet and we are still holding the same levels?? omg?

We shall see........right?

I hope that answers whatever questions you may have about your FAVS of mine...........


I have challenged the longs here.....go point by point with what VSPC has said in the past.......

yet I see no one has taken me up on it.........

wonder why?