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Replies to #827 on HOPE STOCKS


04/10/11 9:47 AM

#828 RE: Yianni #827

before you come over here and start talking trash to me, ask yourself, have I gone to any of the shite lock boards and bashed? Answer, no, because i believe if you don't own stock, you shouldn't be there. So, I'm glad you stoped by and posted, becaue this forum peeps can have an opinion..


04/10/11 9:52 AM

#830 RE: Yianni #827

Yianni, nice to see you stop by. I posted this on the EIGH board but I'll clarify what I said here since I only get one post there. I posted some TEST sells on EIGH way above what the current price was. I tried $0.05 when the price was $0.01 just see what would happen. In the past, my broker has allowed me to put orders on EIGH as high as $1 or $10 if I wanted. They simply warned me that the price I was trying to sell at was well above what the market price was and asked if I wanted to continue. My orders were ALWAYS accepted regardless of the price. I tried a few of these test sells and my broker simply REJECTED them and would not let me place the order. So my post was simply pointing out the fact that I now own stock, not only in a grey sheet company but one that is also illiquid at least for me. This was confirmed by another poster who said ING won't let him buy or sell it either.

I hope, and hope is the opperative word here, that EIGH does a crazy nutso moonshot and holy crap I'm worth a small fortune but right now, hope is all I have. That and apparently, the fact that even if it does this, my broker may not let me sell my shares. I see this as a rather large problem. I still own every single one of my shares but even with a company like EIGH, I need to know what is going on (and sometimes, that is a tough task). I have contacted my broker concerning this issue and I'll see what happens.

It appears that the EIGH mess may be coming to and end in the near future but I'm not holding my breath. Shareholders have been down this road a few times since this all started and they all ended in disappointment. Maybe this time will be different. One thing I have learned from this whole expereince is that investing is not and should never be a team sport. We all made choices concerning the FLD plays and we all have to live with those choices but I firmly believe that those who did sell at the top or anyhere along the line (unles they did so illegaly) should not be belittled or attacked. I haven't sold because I really want to see how this plays out and as of right now I can't. With that being said, I've already made up a significant portion of my EIGH losses already, I'm working on CDIV next and then it's time for GRNO.

I wish all those of us who still hold the best. Bring on the moonshot, I'm ready for it but not expecting it.




04/10/11 11:11 AM

#842 RE: Yianni #827

Actually, the next one should be done this week.. Depending on how much I get bored. Hopefully, people can find some humor in it and not get their panties in a bunch. And I'll provide it free of charge, no monthly payments or anything.