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04/09/11 12:52 PM

#17358 RE: Gopher Gold #17355

OTC/PINKS material breaking events message board in Ihub with the best poster and MODS In Ihub!!


04/09/11 12:52 PM

#17359 RE: Gopher Gold #17355

I was reading PennyStockGuru's blog about the amazing GWA* run. One comment stated PSPW, to check out the DD & it would be the next GWA* and how we should thank him later.. well, whoever that was, I sure thank him!! Read that when we were still at .14/.15, the alpha DD was the first thing I read here and I was sold right away.

In fact this was the article:

And this was the comment: Mark my words PSPW will be the next GWA*..!

PSPW will be completing a merger with a company in the UK called Seawind who has done $60M in revenues over the last 3 years and a ton more in the pipeline.

Do some DD on this one, you'll thank me later ;)


04/09/11 1:11 PM

#17368 RE: Gopher Gold #17355

For me finding PSPW seems like it was fate. I had just begun investing in stocks only 2 months prior and wasnt doing very well at it, but I had A good feeling that this was my year. I wanted to learn about pennystocks but hated the pump and dump promotions. So on feb 25 Through searching google I found Ihub. That was the day of the big spike in pspw. It made the top 10 list.So I was checking it out. I got excited but it was friday eavening and the market was closed. I spent the weekend reading up on pspws DD and all the great posts. On monday the price dropped like A rock. I was so happy. Zoe and many others were buying all they could. I sold all my other stocks and jumped in with both feet I couldnt move funds around fast enough. I called and emailed my family and friends and told them Im gonna be rich and if you want to be rich too buy pspw asap! A few did follow my advice one of those persons is my son Crowseph. Thanx guys, all of you! A happy tear rolls down my face. I didnt have much but I ended up with 20000 shares and its going to change my life. Im holding on to my shares in a box thats welded shut.LOL Underdog ps thats what they called me as A kid.


04/09/11 1:57 PM

#17374 RE: Gopher Gold #17355

Every night I run 3 stock screeners all looking for very irregular daily volume fluctuations. At the end of FEB, the daily volume was running at approx 400,000 shares, then BAMMMMM, 3.5 million. All three screeners found PSPW. I think that was the day they announced the merger would be delayed. The screeners found 4 others that day but they were all under .01 PPS, so I automatically ditched those. PSPW's share price was around 19 cents and it had an reasonable share structure. I took about 5 days to investigate PSPW. I bought 52K on that day it ran up through the .20's ( Avg .25 cents).


04/11/11 1:31 AM

#17656 RE: Gopher Gold #17355

co workers got in at .18 for 20k

Fast Flyer 03

04/11/11 5:41 AM

#17663 RE: Gopher Gold #17355

I always seek out mergers and aquisitions in todays ailing economy. Which brought me here to average in at 0.189 pps.