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04/06/11 11:56 PM

#4919 RE: xbubblesy #4912

More on the topic. I am reading a book that has a section about the Federal Reserve, the SEC, Enron, and Jeff Skilling. It's been very enlightening. I learned that literally no one cares about protecting anyone but themselves.

The Enron story finally broke when two reporters actually read the SEC filings, the annual reports, and other publicly available documents.

Part of Skilling's defense was that there was no fraud - as it was all laid out plain as day in the publicly available documents. But no one chose to read them. Was that his fault?

And lets not forget Madoff. There were at least six people sending actual documents and statements to the SEC just begging for an investigation. But why would the SEC bust one of their friends? After all, everyone made money on it right?

I have chose to read Windtamer's documents all along. It's clear that most people don't.

I guess we should have started getting suspicious when PK started buying his shares under dozens of corporate names. "For estate planning purposes" I believe was the quote.

Where I work, if they were in the situation Windtamer was in, the last thing they would be worried about is a European distributor. I mean, for christs sake, you stopped selling them locally, WTF is Europe going to do for you. Where I work, they would be trying to improve their product, their service, and their sales. They would be trying to generate revenue and cut costs. Not playing games with PR's and all sorts of stock market antics. We'd be focused on the meat and potatoes.

At one point my boss took a pay cut so the company could get caught up. An actual cut - not hundreds of thousands of shraes in lieu of a few months pay. But then again, my boss believes in the company and what we do.