since when does annual sales equate to a specific buyout price??? CMON! contrary to your "growth BLAH BLAH BLAH" statement, growth is freakin everything!!! GROWTH COMPANIES DEMAND A PREMIUM IN THIS MARKET! people are paying $250 a share for NFLX because its growing!!! NFLX has a $12.6 billion market cap. for the newbs that means it would cost you $12.6 billion to buy all the stock at the current market price. yet NFLX only has $2.6 billion in sales. $41 a share in revenue yet the stock trades at $250!! LOL!! ur sales theory is bunk. it doesnt work, unless u want it to in ur fantasy world. people pay big multiples for companies that are growing and that is why u cant comprehend why a buyout would be for more than u think a company is really worth.