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04/05/11 11:54 AM

#21687 RE: Austinvball #21683

What I think is happening to you and gator, is that you both are missing the big picture. Even if written documentation comes out today, I doubt either one of you would be satisfied and would infact come up with some wording to bad mouth this position and/or the doctor.......

Here is the deal....written documation will be nice, but the real issue is, Dr. Melamede goes on to say “Clinical trials are desperately needed. Cannabis Science is actively working on arrangements that will allow us to perform the necessary clinical trials to verify, or not, the numerous anecdotal reports demonstrating what appears to be cancer cures. These observations are occurring with greater frequency since numerous states have legalized the medical use of cannabis.

It all adds to the momentum of the sector....the last PR signifies to me that it is getting more attention and gaining more and more backing......once clinical trials are approved, that will be the catalyst to jump this thing up......if they get fast track approval.....then, as I said, we will all be significantly better off.

Do not focus just on one thing, but trust that Dr. Bob and others are working all angles to get clinical trials started.

Got to think Long Term for a change.......good luck
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04/05/11 11:58 AM

#21688 RE: Austinvball #21683

I'm not going to spell this out all the way for you, but this is what I'm going off of. We all know who's involved on this front and I respect him and his work along with my belief he knows more than we do.
"Dr Bob Melamede will be at MardiGrass again with new evidence on cannabis eradicating cancer and another director from Cannabis Science Inc."
That's the qoute.
Does it mean he will repeat he same speech he's been saying for the past 2 yrs. I doubt it. Key phrase is "new evidence on cannabis eradicating cancer." what does that mean? What else has been new in cbis aside from the Australian girl? It could be something else that's just an assumption. Why havnt they presented this information already? Well what better way to do it than to do is in Australia where the patient is from, the medical doctor is probably from, and there is huge support for the movement. What better way to do it than on a stage with 1,000s of on looks with the patient right next to you along with possibly
the doctor. Will they pr it to us before the event probably...mybe by only a day or two so that they don't loose the surprise.
Another key qoute "another director from cannabis science" there are a bunch of advsors but only really one director....Richard Cowan. He doesn't appear for no reason and he rarely shows his head in cbis anymore. Unless of course it was for a good reason.
Now these are all assumptions based on past events and circumstances. Could they pr the patients documentation tomorrow or any other day? Yes... But it might be less believable in a pr than in a public setting.
The fact is that medical marijuana is being legalized a lot faster than anyone expected. As more state run out of money and as the government keeps hitting their deficit cap. They will look for the revenue from mmj and will look to cut the enforcement of mmj down to nothing.
Take it as you will I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on how they feel about cbis and I have my doubts also, but the assumption in the above being true is where I lay my faith in cbis.
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04/05/11 1:25 PM

#21699 RE: Austinvball #21683

Solid posting, in my opinion. Your posts are a good read, here and on other boards. I am sick of waiting for follow up on this as well. Relating to item 2, the only other option I can think of is that Doctor Bob fits my perception of many with his education. They are extremely intelligent, but tend to be disorganized. That’s just my perception; I am sure others differ. But this company really needs a business person to run it and follow up on what they have stated. Without that, it will continue to feel more like advocacy instead of business.