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04/04/11 11:31 PM

#394762 RE: fredman #394757

theres a growing trend here on long island and besides the organic/locally grown angle the real reason IMO is taxes.

in my neighborhood a home on an acre = $1Mish with annual property taxes in the range of $20K (rediculous i know).

there is a 40 acre parcel that is taxed as argicultural farm land and pays $6K ,if it was residential vacant land the taxes would be $150K+ so many are going with the farm angle for varying reasons.

also we lead busy lives, kids so full of activities that they need social secretaries, hard to put in the work needed.

hell we can't mow our own lawns.
for the record i'm probably the only fool in my neighborhood that doesn't have a landscaper and i do have a garden ( my dad takes care of it, old country traditions die hard, got a smoke house too,but thats a zoning violation i'd rather not discuss,lol.)