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04/03/11 12:03 PM

#142423 RE: BigOwl47 #142419

Not "all he can offer", but "all he wants to offer", since he has gotten badly burned in the past.

I remember as clear as day how so many were clamoring for a Rusty PR in that weeks after drilling was completed. And then in late December it reached a fever pitch. "Please tell us anything, just anything even if it's the results are not fully in, ... blah, blah, blah". And then when Ken tried to listen and accommodate that with the Christmas PR, what was his reward? He got kicked in the teeth by the same people who begged day in and day out "for anything". They then bashed him relentlessly with "Why did you put out that PR? Why did you not wait for full results? Etc."

Same thing with the BVIG shares. People complained that the shares were restricted and then when the company took the extra time, effort, and time to lift the restriction and that good will gesture turned bad, he got bashed endlessly.

Both those events in my opinion cast the die for the current silence.