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04/03/11 12:11 PM

#63951 RE: jugygales #63948

You have countered your own logic. You thought htymp was going to be a hit simply because Eric aquired it? And then when he let it go , that meant that he tricked you into being wrong? This is getting pretty silly.
First of all , you didn't think it was going to be a hit simply because Eric got it. You did your own research and you decided that all by yourself. Secondly, by Eric letting the film go to someone else, he essentially unaquired it, and therefore earned your trust as an invester by making the right judgement and not putting it out. If he had simply went ahead doggedly, and just proceded with blinders on, and rigidly refused to stray from any set course, simply because it might cause someone like you to get all bent out of shape about it, would that have been more preferable? Is he supposed to be playing to the peanut gallery?
I sure hope he wouldn't be.
Would it have been better if he had put out htymp, girlfriend, moebius, wild hunt,etc..., all last year, rolled the dice, and hope he didn't crap out? Is that how you would run a business, at any stage?
You see, he can aquire as many films as he wants to, but it's nice for him to also have the option of not being so tied to any one project, that it can serve as an anchor, that could potentially bring the whole company down.
Why would you actually complain about that?
Just remember. Just like a film can be aquired. It can also be un-aquired. And that is a good thing.


04/03/11 1:37 PM

#63954 RE: jugygales #63948

Okay here are some of the movies in this $25M library:

“The Secret of Kells”;
“The Wild Hunt”;
“Thru The Moebius Strip”;
“Racing Dreams”;
“The Countess.”
Let me just add, "Turtles"

The release plans set forth by Parkinson for these titles
indicated a collective gross revenue potential exceeding $25-million, approximately half of
which was attributable alone to “HappyThankYouMorePlease,”

Let me just ask whether anybody has:
1) Paid a nickel or more to see any of those 6 movies
2) Would pay premium movie prices to see any of those 6 movies
3) Ever heard of any of those 6 movies

This stock is starting to smell like all the other boiler room pump and dump, fluffy PR, pink sheet pantloads

I hope everybody here (especially Mickey) gets out of this one close to break even anyway.


04/09/11 3:28 PM

#64459 RE: jugygales #63948

But EP wasn't wrong. That is why he walked away. Guess a lot of us have a lot to earn from EP.