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04/01/11 1:34 PM

#135152 RE: StephanieVanbryce #135146

What a lovely state Indiana is

April 01, 2011 08:00 AM
In Republican Indiana, so-called rape victims might be faking it just so they can get abortions
By David Neiwert

Tanya Somander at ThinkProgress brings us, from the floor of the Indiana House, the keen insights of Republican Rep. Eric Turner of Marion:

TURNER: With all do respect to Rep. Riecken, I understand what she’s trying to do. But as you know that when the federal health care bill was going through Congress there was a lot of discussion whether this would allow for abortion coverage and of course we were all told it would not. And the bill, my house bill 1210, would prevent that for any insurance company to provide abortion coverage under federal health care bill. This [amendment] would open that window and I would ask you to oppose this amendment.

I just want you to think about this, in my view, giant loophole that could be created where someone who could — now i want to be careful, I don’t want to disparage in any way someone who has gone through the experience of a rape or incest — but someone who is desirous of an abortion could simply say that they’ve been raped or there’s incest.

The best part of this video, though, is the rebuttal from Democratic Rep. Linda Lawson of Hammond:

LAWSON: I was a sex-crimes investigator for six years for the city of Hammond, Indiana. And I want to tell you what it looks like and what it sounds like when women are raped. Or six-year-olds are raped. Or 18-month-old babies are raped. Or 97-year-old women are raped. They don't make it up!

Then they have to go to court. They have to stand in a courtroom, and they have to face the person who did it to them. Women don't make this up! My goodness! This is the state of Indiana!

Obviously, Rep. Hammond did not get the memo that, under the current regime of our new Alien Overlords from Planet T-Par-T, all victims of crime are now considered suspicious characters at best and likely criminals. If there wasn't something wrong with them, God wouldn't let anything bad happen to them, right?

Especially when it comes to accusing men. What were they thinking?

Because, of course, the bill that Turner was defending was his own HB 1210, which among other restrictions would outlaw abortions after 20 weeks, and require abortion providers to tell patients that abortion carries risks, including the possibility of breast cancer. And they obviously listened to Turner's logic, such as it were:

The House also voted 42-54 against an amendment by Rep. Gail Riecken, D-Riecken, which would have exempted from the bill women who became pregnant due to rape or incest, or women for whom a pregnancy threatens their life or could cause serious and irreversible physical harm.

Naturally, it passed the Indiana House shortly afterward. It's a lock to pass the Senate, too, and to be signed into law by Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels


04/01/11 1:37 PM

#135154 RE: StephanieVanbryce #135146

This is exactly what the teabaggers want.


04/01/11 6:31 PM

#135186 RE: StephanieVanbryce #135146

Governor Scott of Florida is in the process of having a real goodie rubber stamped.

He wants to have two state Supreme Courts, one for criminal cases and one for civil cases. He will split the current judges between the two courts. A pending bill will then permit the governor to appoint judges confirmed by the republican senate to the courts for life giving Scott a majority on both supreme courts.

Isn't that just so cute?


04/01/11 6:35 PM

#135187 RE: StephanieVanbryce #135146

Florida governor attends Special Olympics after cutting aid for disabled

By Eric W. Dolan
Thursday, March 31st, 2011 -- 6:49 pm

After announcing plans to use "emergency powers" to make deep cuts to the state's Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Florida Governor Rick Scott participated the Special Olympics Torch Run Ceremony on Thursday.

The ironic scheduling was first noted by Peter Schorsch of Saint Petersblog.

The Miami Herald reported that Scott is planning to impose a 15 percent cut to the rates charged by group homes and case workers who help the developmentally disabled.

The Agency for Persons with Disabilities provides services to nearly 30,000 Floridians with cerebral palsy, autism and Down Syndrome. The governor said the cuts were necessary to address a $170 million deficit in the agency.

A spokesman for Scott said that although the cuts would be painful, the governor was "trying to alleviate the pain long term."

Scott ran with hundreds of law-enforcement officers and Special Olympics athletes in Tallahassee on Thursday during the Special Olympics Torch Run Ceremony.