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03/31/11 3:56 AM

#125740 RE: Wooden Indian #125735

"what's that for if not a poison pill"?

Funny, That idea went thru my head when they increased, I shook it off, giggled and went about my day... Preferreds were jacked to 50 mill.... hmmmmmm Does INIX have a shareholders plan allowing us to buy in cheaper than....? in case of....?

Personally, I think its more like "hey doc while you're in there, might as well fix that too.... "Take all the pain at once" That way we have enough shares for cash/services/private offerings to remain operational till CFBE..... ( Now if we can only get Soros to stop wanting to destroy the Dollar and bammy to stop waging fake wars, we might have a frgn chance.... HAHAHAHA who da frg am I kidding... ugh)

So, on a brighter topic..... Any guesses what the big INIX winner was for the 4th Q? iFinix: Futures, Forex, Software.?

Any one?


Good old Management to the rescue....

Management brought in over $53K an increase of over $21K buckaroonies vs Q3 2010. (largest yet for management)
Outside of that the 4th Q saw the 3rd lowest in "Commission" revs for 2010, the second highest "loss from ops" for 2010 giving way to the highest quarterly "revenue" for 2010... Good/bad? Not sure yet. Cash was almost gone by Dec 31st....which might explain the increase in authorized shares???? Poison pill, shares for services, hedge for the future????? "D" all the above... SURE!!

Note*(I do remember though from the last CC they were going to put the umpf in management and it looks like they did... good for them.)

The commission revs seem a bit spooky still. Forex was launched right after Realtime was ummm - "unlaunched" yet didnt seem to make too much of a difference....yet!-?. With Capital launched early Dec. most likely wont see much difference there either till maybe 2-3 Q's in to 2011.(IMO) In the end, 3 billion,50 million still leaves a bad feeling lurching in my gut. 1,010,000,000 to 3,050,000,000 in 54 days... I wonder, are the preferreds still 60 to 1...?

Anyway -
Lets have a big Kermit the Frog "YEAAAAH" for MANAGEMENT.....
With out that +21K increase we would have seen one of the worst Q's for 2010.
