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03/30/11 6:06 PM

#41021 RE: klhurley #41020

Loud and clear...

Thanks by the way,


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03/30/11 6:13 PM

#41022 RE: klhurley #41020

Go get them Ken
I'm with you

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03/30/11 6:41 PM

#41025 RE: klhurley #41020

Thanks for stopping by, but don't feel you ever need to. Most companies just do PR's with nairy a VCC or non-PR update in sight, so don't feel pressured to do more than that. In fact, the progress reports seem to fuel speculation (usually negative) far more than they help. I, for one, am okay with you just sticking to PR's when material developments have been completed (with a VCC to discuss the PR in more detail later that day, if necessary).

Good luck with the audits. If you need an Finance guy in your Canadian branch, say the word lol. :)

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03/30/11 6:47 PM

#41026 RE: klhurley #41020

Well, I guess that I was just yelled at...:(

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03/30/11 7:32 PM

#41032 RE: klhurley #41020

I agree with you giving us plenty of info. Call me a pessimist but I do t think the process will be complete by May. Then again I don't know how far along it is.
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03/31/11 11:25 AM

#41071 RE: klhurley #41020

Ken, Frankfurt is good for me..and good energy for your work..$$Future is very nice here.. 2011 will be "tock of the Years$ here..
take care !!

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03/31/11 12:56 PM

#41080 RE: klhurley #41020

OK Ken

As a disclaimer, I have called no one as I want the answers to come from you in the form of a PR released over major newswires so the masses can see what is happening. Not just the chosen 10 here. This would mean good things for everyone.

Here are the questions and facts you still want to ignore.

On Thursday you say video conference call on Friday.

On Friday you say you are too busy you will do it on Monday.

You wait until Wednesday to say very little and then all you do is whine and complain about our whining.

You should understand we are your shareholders and we are the ones who would like to see these companies succeed like you.

We are the ones that deserve answers. That is why we ask. We stop asking when YOU ACTUALLY DELIVER. That is the game you are involved with in being a part of a management team.

I agree this is not the proper forum for disseminating information but it is the forun you have chose to use.

YOU are the one that stated you believe you are talking to 10 investors here yet you continue to comment here. I agree at this point you should have more than 10 investors but people are not buying what you are selling because nothing makes it to market and the stock price languishes on and on in sub zeroland.

People are mad because you promised Reader Rabbit ONE YEAR AGO and still nothing. Have this bug, can't past lot check and so on.

You say you have at least 1 subsriber that has given you $7 million towards the IPO and maybe another, yet YOU are the one handling all of this? Yes, I say use some of the money to help these investors earn a ROI, isn't that what they want? Yes, I say hire a few competent people to get these filings done and IPO as soon as ready with Reder Rabbit on the shelves! The Rabbits must be released prior to IPO and that should be done by now.

Regarding IPO, you said during the month of March that APRIL 2011 would not be a problem. 30 days later and you are NOW going to say you didn't know all the paperwork that needed to be filed. CFO help? Bob from AccountTemps? Another delay? REALLY?

You said in a prior VCC that the Frankfurt exchange would be good to eliminate the shorting problem you believe is occurring currently on the Pinkshhets. I agree! You do realize they short on the NASDAQ and NYSE. Most investors were happy with the Frankfurt exchange for this reason. The NASDAQ or NYSE are just a delay tactic AGAIN!

Your promise of conversion of SDVI shares has not worked for many. I sent my request to your IR and my broker and still no conversion which is worth nothing still.

Large acquisition whih was to be detailed in last few weeks and still no announcement?

You wonder why your shareholders are upset?

You can see you have promised quite a bit and delivered dividend shares, to the chosen 10, which have no value at the current time.

I hate to tell you, but at this point YOU and SDVI and GRAFF are no different than any other pinksheet stock.

Talk a big game yet the price continues to dwell in the .00something range because of a lack of substantiated information which is released over major market newswires.

I agree results and following up on promises would be a good thing but you have failed to do this to date.

Until you change course, this is your past, present and future. You have delivered nothing to date of value You like to talk a big game like you belong with the big boys like EA.

Just the facts.

word of the day -


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03/31/11 6:46 PM

#41115 RE: klhurley #41020


Thank you for responding to the investors. I completely sympathize with you and all you are going through to get SDVI & GRAFF through the audit phase as well as attend to all the other tasks you have at hand. In my VERY long career in IT, I have had the opportunity to work as a CIO for two different companies that went through an IPO process. I know the arduous task you have on your plate, and in this era of Sarbanes Oxley, it's even more time consuming with all the details that auditors must have to certify the audit according to the new requirements. Audits are extremely time consuming given the number of times the audit supervisors and staff must have answers and documentation in their hands for review.

I remember only too well the instructions we were given by our auditors and banking interests about NOT discussing any of the details especially financial plans and financing until everything was completely finalized because leaked information was a basis for "insider trading" complications. In reading some of the posts on this board, I must admit I was a little nervous about the scope of some of the investors contacting outside resources for information. I was concerned about the insider trading issues. I do however understand that they had concerns about getting information to make them feel more confident about their investment with SDVI. This comment is in no way condemnation of anyone who has done so. I completely understand why they did it but they should not do it in the future.

I wish you and RJ the best with all the tasks set before you to make SDVI and GRAFF great companies with great financial rewards for all the stockholders. I am a four year investor with SDVI and will continue to be so in the future.

Go Ken & RJ

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05/09/11 12:20 PM

#43853 RE: klhurley #41020

Ken, we appreciate your hard work and not knowing what's going on behind the scenes, we really cannot make any statements on the health of SDVI. Unfortunately RJ's departure is a huge occurrence that needs to be addressed. This is not an iHub update as the news is everywhere. Shareholders need to be informed as far as your plans to move on without RJ. From all that we have heard, he was a major part of the GRAFF/SDVI plan, so what happens now...hopefully at least you know. It would be nice to tell your shareholders too. Thanks.