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04/05/11 12:59 PM

#135522 RE: xela22 #135506

ESLR <<1.38>> - The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) has now made a decision on how Evergreen’s move to China will affect rebates to residential and commercial customers. Currently, Massachusetts residents and businesses can take advantage of an additional discount on their solar electric system if it incorporates components from a Massachusetts company. The extra incentive is $0.10 per watt for the first 5 kW (on an up to 10 kW PV system). It may not seem significant, but on a 5 kW system this would be $500. To qualify for this additional rebate, you must provide proof that the solar (PV) panels, the inverter(s), or another component that is important to the electricity production is manufactured by a company with a significant Massachusetts presence. This is determined at the sole discretion of the MassCEC. Evergreen Solar is one of only six companies, including Schott Solar, Satcon, Solectria Renewables, Beacon Power, and PanelClaw, that qualify.