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03/27/11 12:28 PM

#58310 RE: mkavcic89 #58309

CEO buying shares is not the answer - the Deathspiral financing, the S8 dumping on top of that, is the problem, and it's only going to max out the authorized again, leaving, once again, a Reverse Split as the only answer to the lack of working capital.

The problem is that the CEO has drained all the funds out of the company and taken it as salary. Now they file time and time again, they don't have enough working capital to fund the expansion and promotion of their brands.

This won't work... Only a recapitalization and refinancing of the deathspirals, with an injection of about 2 million dollars of working capital could possibly save this company. No one is going to loan PK 2 million dollars to pay himself the huge salary he has set for himself, so therefore, I think we get another reverse split and dilution by the end of the summer.

I really thought with the previous reverse split, they would have found investors to pay off the deathspirals and inject the liquidity needed to launch and promote Rheingold. I was obviously wrong.

However, I also know what deathspiral financing looks like, and it was obvious early on, that constant and ongoing dilution was happening.

It's really bad when the company is in such a state of dilution that the stock can't bounce even a little bit now.

It's also bad, when the company released a 10Q and didn't even bother to put out a PR!