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03/26/11 12:18 PM

#2905 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

Great post fourkids...The regulation of hedge funds, was that already delayed from Jan. 2011? It's all about transperancy and accountability.


03/26/11 1:51 PM

#2906 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

Hit the nail on the head, But I feel the tides are turning and in the shareholder and companies favor - because of increased pressure on the SEC and FINRA.


03/26/11 2:19 PM

#2907 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

Well Said!


03/26/11 2:29 PM

#2908 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

great post, sums a lot of it up nicely

thanks for hosting this board


03/26/11 2:34 PM

#2909 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

Outstanding post! You have a great board here :-)


03/26/11 4:47 PM

#2917 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

fourkids_9pets: Great thumbnail sketch on how the average investor is being repeatedly raped. When an Attorney employed by the SEC asks "why would anyone ever invest in an OTCBB or pink sheet stock since they were all scams anyway" you know that was the attitude that prevailed from the top down. Is it any wonder the hedghogs sold and sold and sold shares they did not own. It was free money for them with virtually no risk. Is it any wonder that many SEC employees leave and go to work for those whom they were supposed to regulate? It was smart business for the industry to capture the media as well. Can't wait for the Overstock trial, would love to see that one televised. No question in my mind that Shapiros number of companies that have been driven out of business number has easily doubled and would not be shocked if it had tripled. Nice to see though that some have survived and those companies and their shareholders will hopefully receive vindication in the not too distant future.

janice shell

03/26/11 5:44 PM

#2920 RE: fourkids_9pets #2888

too bad they didn't think to tell that
to the 1000 co.s that were legit that WERE DESTROYED FOR PROFIT

A thousand? And that number has now doubled? Coulda fooled me, and I gather from your posts that I follow a great many more penny stocks than you do, and have been doing it for much longer.

Know what? I've never seen I single one "destroyed" by naked shorting. Some stay in "business" for years, becoming serial reverse splitters and changing sectors and strategies periodically. One day educational videos, the next gold mining, six months later batteries that never die. If they do go out of business, usually they sell the shell in a reverse merger.

And then there's toxic financing. As the guy who was interviewed for that article said, there's no excuse for them not to realize what's going to happen.

So c'mon: name me TEN penny stocks that were "destroyed". By anything other than incompetence, stupidity, and greed on the part of management.