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03/25/11 7:36 AM

#7622 RE: warburg #7620

so what you are suggesting for individuals to believe is;

- that the inept AWSL management team actually compiled and completed the requested information for the OPA/FIT application,

- that the inept AWSL management team actually mailed in and did so in a timely basis the OPA/FIT application,

- that OPA/FIT accepts companies that offer no company financials and can't prove they are a fiscally sound company,(no cash flow)

- that OPA/FIT accepts a company that no track record in any past performance in the sector,

- that OPA/FIT accepts a company that has no validated proof that they can purchase the needed equipment to initiate, follow through and complete a OPA/FIT project.


this inept management team can't even send out its promised and alleged completed financials from 2009 and 2010 nor the S-1 submitted to its shareholders....and you want people to believe that they completed and compiled and actually sent out application forms for OPA/FIT ?

once again...ROTFLMAO.

your attempt to explain why AWSL is not mentioned in the last OPA listings is rhetoric and bogus at best.

maybe the real reason of no mention is because they never actually sent any of the requested forms and data in ..similar to how they never posted the financials. suppose to but it never happened. similar to submitting the was announced that they were in the process of doing it but it never happened.

yet you want individuals to believe that this inept management team spent time completing the OPA/FIT applications but did not do one thing to honor their promise to shareholders to present current financials and submit the S-1....

hopefully and thankfully anyone with any brains knows you are treading water and are getting water logged...going down ?


03/25/11 2:10 PM

#7624 RE: warburg #7620

For those who have not seen this before, happy reading. Emphasis added. Mr. Burg, I'm replying to you rather than the two ... others, since I don't want to provide them with any responses in case they are getting paid by response.

Ontario Announces Second Round Of Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects

TORONTO, ON, Feb. 24, 2011 – Ontario is taking another step in building a clean energy economy by awarding the next round of Feed-in Tariff contracts through the Ontario Power Authority (OPA). There are 40 new projects being announced, representing more than 872 megawatts (MW) of clean power – enough to power 200,000 homes, or a community the size of Burlington.

Contracts have been awarded for 35 additional solar projects, representing 257 MW, four wind projects, representing 615 MW and one water project totaling 500 kilowatts. Of these contracts, five have been awarded to community groups and one Aboriginal project has been approved.

Combined, these projects represent an estimated 7,000 direct and indirect jobs and approximately $3 billion in private-sector investment.

These contracts are the second phase of large-scale renewable energy projects to be awarded under Ontario’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program. Last year, the OPA signed the first 180 contracts for large-scale (larger than 500 kW in capacity) projects.

“The Feed-In Tariff program is continuing to meet its objective to encourage more renewable energy to be developed in Ontario,” said Colin Andersen, Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Power Authority. “Interest in the program continues to be strong, and Ontario will benefit from the new clean, renewable energy that these FIT contracts will deliver.”

“Today’s announcement is another milestone in the success of Ontario’s Feed-in-Tariff program. With the addition of these new renewable energy projects, we are ensuring that more jobs and investments are coming to communities across Ontario as we build the clean energy economy and clean up the air for our children and grandchildren,” said the Hon. Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy.

Significantly expanding the amount of renewable generation is a key part of the provincial government’s strategy to address climate change by eliminating dirty coal-fired generation by the end of 2014. The FIT Program’s mandatory requirements for made-in-Ontario technologies and services also makes renewable generation a key part of the strategy to make the province North America’s leader in green jobs and manufacturing.

A listing of the second-round FIT Program contracts is available on the FIT website,

Large-scale FIT applications submitted up to June 4, 2010 that were not offered contracts will be subject to the first Economic Connection Test (ECT) under the FIT program.The OPA will be coming forward with details regarding the first Economic Connection Test.

In the coming weeks, the OPA expects to begin awarding more contracts for capacity allocation exempt (CAE) projects (under 500 kilowatts).

(If I'm not mistaken, this is the category all AWSL projects fall into - Mr. Money.)

The FIT Program is North America's first comprehensive guaranteed pricing structure for renewable electricity production. It offers stable prices under long-term contracts for energy generated from renewable sources, including biomass, biogas, landfill gas, onshore wind, solar photovoltaic and waterpower. The FIT Program was enabled by the Green Energy Act, which was passed into law on May 14, 2009. More information is available at

The Ontario Power Authority is responsible for ensuring a reliable, sustainable supply of electricity for Ontario. Its key areas of focus are planning the power system for the long term, leading and coordinating conservation initiatives across the province, and ensuring the development of needed generation resources.

Media Contacts:

Amanda Flude
Ontario Power Authority

Toll Free: 1-800-797-9604

(I've called Ms. Flude just to chat but my vmsgs haven't been returned)