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03/24/11 1:35 PM

#897 RE: Mikey #896

just don't understand but, just what does that mean and why do they still have Q???
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03/24/11 1:52 PM

#898 RE: Mikey #896

That's some good work "XBig"!

Google "structured dismissal decisions".

Did he say when the dismissal occurred?

Probably get an 8k explaining soon.

This is very good news IMO!
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parrot head

03/24/11 2:12 PM

#900 RE: Mikey #896

Yes, this sounds good, nice work.

Dismissal: The termination of the case without either the entry of a discharge or a denial of discharge; after a case is dismissed, the debtor and the creditors have the same rights as they had before the bankruptcy case was commenced.

It sounds like BUTLQ will have the Q removed, become a clean shell and then merge with Select Staffing imo.