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03/24/11 8:21 PM

#3021 RE: TomJones69 #2991

Tom, I do have to thank you for keeping the board interesting for the last couple months. For a time, you were the only person posting anything, even if most of it was a little too optimistic for my taste. That being said, I find the timing of your posts pretty interesting. It seems like within 2 minutes (literally, check the post times) you changed your tune from strongly positive to extremely negative. Not sure what you may have found out, but boy, I'm surprised you even had time to read/hear it, let alone digest it and shift your whole perception on the stock without spending a little more time confirming whatever it is you heard. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt I suppose. Good luck in the future.


03/24/11 8:26 PM

#3022 RE: TomJones69 #2991

To be fair, in adding to my last post, all Tom said immediately before his change of heart was that gold was at an all-time high. I took that to be a positive tone toward the stock, but that's not necessarily true I suppose.