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03/25/11 5:08 AM

#134339 RE: SilverSurfer #134266

SilverSurfer -- blaming 'Big Government' for the 'few totalitarians' of big capital doing what they've always done, and quoting JP Morgan of all folks as if his statement does anything but fly directly in the face of your laying of blame, is exactly where you hit the wall and go kablooie on this stuff, time and time again

JP Morgan was a quintessential capitalist -- and so are those you try to pass off as somehow not genuine couldn't-a-done-it-without-'Big-Government' 'corporatists'

the history is extensive and incontrovertible -- capitalism turned loose (including in terms of people allowing big capital to hold effective control of government and law) is a game of Monopoly -- even beyond things like (the inevitably widely-borne costs of) the innate boom-bust bubble cycle of financial capital, sooner or later, usually more like sooner, a few end up with way too much and the game, at least in the sense of there (any longer) being any real opportunity or even a semi-decent life for the many, grinds to an end -- excessive concentration of wealth, and of the power that highly concentrated wealth confers, is a, indeed the, natural outcome of capitalism left to its own devices, and is a highly non-optimal condition for a society

like it or not, 'Big Government', the law (including tax law, including progressive income and gift/estate taxes) and the enforcement of it, is all we've got, all we've ever had, all we're ever gonna have, to keep capitalism and big capital on a leash, kept down to size and operating in a context and manner that genuinely is to the benefit of all, and not just a few -- if and as big capital already owns 'Big Government', then fine, we've just got that much more work to do

nobody promised any of us anything in this life, and most of us in this country have been just plain time-and-place dumb lucky in that lottery -- part of that luck is that we can even occasionally effectively act through elections -- but as your friend JP Morgan so aptly noted, if collectively we've become so soft, so dulled by for prime example the sort of beyond inane/utterly incoherent in the face of reality/answer to absolutely nothing 'invisible hand' ( and preceding and following) ideological hogshit you so love to flop around in and throw at the rest of us here, that we collectively can't meet the challenge, then that's how things will (continue to) trend/be