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Frank Pembleton

12/08/02 9:44 AM

#772 RE: KastelCo #769

Kastel... from the thread header "There are no rules." -- I believe both Jim and Soros appreciate the clever Canadian banter we offer them on this thread. :) I believe “Off-Topic” conversations are what they want.

No having said that... Medicare, and how I see it.

COMMODITY-- healthcare should be viewed as a commodity, and whenever something tangible is given away, you create an infinite amount of demand.

POLITICS-- Medicare is the most popular give-away ever created by politicians. The truly ill compete with the trivially ill for services. It's the ultimate Ponzi scheme (thru taxation) where folks die waiting for treatments because of long line-ups.

PRIVATIZED-- you should be able to trade hospital stocks-- the ones with the fattest profit margins and biggest dividend yields will carry the highest valuations. Hospitals could even operate as "trusts." In a free society you dictate the cost of your own labour.

INSURANCE-- our government could create a pool of capital that should only cover personal disasters. This would eliminate the folks that are sick due to lifestyle choices. The system has to be transparent and mandated by a no-loss/no-profit law.

RRSP-- mandated 10% rule of contributions that can be used for catastrophic healthcare needs.
