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03/22/11 6:18 PM

#9890 RE: Sparks111111 #9887

Sparks---My father served with the Fifth Marine Div. in WWII----when I was very young he would take me to his Marine Club get-togethers. They played poker mostly and drank a lot. I would hang around and listen to the stories. The more they drank the wilder it got. But, after a lot of calling BS on each other the real word would slowly come out later in the evening. I just remember more than a few burly steel workers getting all teary eyed about how it was just the GRACE of God that they made it off of Iwo. His buddy lying shoulder to shoulder with him took the round to the head, and somehow he made it through three amphibious landings over three years. They would say over and over it was only the Grace of God----I still believe them.

You know what they say---there are no atheists in foxholes.