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03/22/11 5:28 PM

#27607 RE: zaudio #27606

To add to my previous post:

It comes back to 'where is the proof'? prove they are incompetent? They may be solely guilty of not dealing with a bear attack of unprecedented proportions in a way to preserve the stock and reputation of the company.

There is no doubt that there is currently a massive attack on small/Med Chinese US listed companies; CCME is caught right in the hub of that. Where is the proof they are a fraud? Where is the solid evidence? Everything todate is only based ont he 'too good to be true' theses, combined with a cascade of events following the resignation of DTT - which could have been directly caused by bombardment by the bears (this has been already referenced that they were indeed bombarded - Starr stated this in their case).
I see us going full circle here... bears attack the Chinese small/med cap sector and CCME, stock tanks, DTT resigns... now the fact that the stock has tanked and DTT resigned being quoted as reasons for 'fraud'... not so necessarily if you analyse cause and effect.
The forensic audit is on. Nasdaq should be requiring a level of independence there, and will be monitoring the situation for the 'plan' for the 31st march to be accepted. If CCME demonstrates it's operation and business to be much as advertised by themselves throughout 2009 and 2010, the circle breaks, and reason will reassert itself.
So we wait.