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12/05/02 10:27 PM

#6322 RE: LemonHead #6321


Well it is 10pm and some flakes are still comming down in the Hudson Valley. About 4-6 inches deep. Maybe I will use the x-country skis for the first time this season tomorrow.

Your message reminds me about the Y2K scare, Lets see I generate my electricity will solar and I have about a 2 week suply in the batteries when they are full (though I hope the sun comes up tomorrow), I heat with wood (year supply right outside the door), and the water for everything but drinking runs off the roof. Oh Yeah, since I tend to buy food on sale I usually have a few months supply of beans, spegettie, tuna fish, peanut butter, etc. Nope I don't think I will starve or freeze to death anytime in the near future.

Enjoy the snow
It will be too hot soon enough

Take the road less traveled. It will make all the difference.


12/08/02 12:10 PM

#6347 RE: LemonHead #6321

Hi LemonHead,,,,,,,,,,,

Which reminds me I have a bag of lemonhead candies, I think I'll have one,,, looking foeward to Tom's IW update