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03/22/11 8:48 AM

#3081 RE: Penny Gold Mine #3080

Stuck between wanting to bash these pathetic CEO's or stay positive. Waiting for lightning to strike on a clear sunny day.

My last note to them:

Dear sirs,

I have tried on several occasions to touch base and try to get an update on the company's progress. At this point I feel slighted as a shareholder who has invested $XXX in NDYN.

What I fail to understand is the utter lack of communication to your shareholders when promises were made.

I am very well aware of the risks of pink sheet stocks, but I am feeling "had" at this point. I am very willing to present to the others whom I communicate with that the company is no longer in existence and to liquefy our existing shares, if they can be sold.

Certainly a company that does not care for it's shareholders does not have a chance of success. I hope I am wrong and this communication will be apologized for.