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03/21/11 10:11 AM

#32860 RE: lumpina #32859

Thanks Lumpina!


03/21/11 10:31 AM

#32861 RE: lumpina #32859

wow, lot of questions/answers for DD , thanks!


03/21/11 11:44 AM

#32863 RE: lumpina #32859

Nice work lumpina. I also have the same opinion after a couple of conversations with him and understanding of what it takes to get a business off the ground, he is NOT pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. He has a great outlook for his business model and has a ton of energy to see it through. This is a great quality to have and it will pan out. If you compared what he has with other owners of great businesses, Ken has it. Mark my words, he will pull through and be great at the other end no matter what details may come.


03/21/11 1:01 PM

#32866 RE: lumpina #32859

Thanks Lumpina!!


03/21/11 1:33 PM

#32867 RE: lumpina #32859

And there it is, straight from the mouth of the CEO

there would definitely be a reverse split within 3 years

It could be tomorrow, it could be once it goes to no bid, it could be in 2014.

Too risky!


03/21/11 2:35 PM

#32873 RE: lumpina #32859

Thanks for the boots on the ground.......sell before the R/S though I did pretty well before E-Turd went 1 for 10. Only difference is I was able to sell it for a gain before it split LOL.

You don't become a CEO of a Pinkie if you can't talk the talk, it seems you are fairly enthralled by Ken.
So we know he's got that going for him.

20 billion shares at one tick above zero? That's a long walk to walk.


03/21/11 5:43 PM

#32881 RE: lumpina #32859

He did tell me some things “off the record” which I will not present here. I promised him.

can you say if they are good or bad things?


03/22/11 1:28 AM

#32884 RE: lumpina #32859

There are a lot of comments alledgedly made by Ken that are worrisome in your post.

The most laughable IMO is the part where he defends the website. That deal is horrible! Ken..I can put you in contact with my web guy. He could throw something together in an hour that would look 100 times better. The site you have now looks like a 5th grade web design project. It's just pathetic! I knew I was in trouble owning this stock when I saw the initial site.

Also, look into selling on Amazon. Big sales volume there. You can get your private private label green products on and then try and sell them for an outrageous price on ebay,amazon and the store.

Walmart? Are you kidding? If you are going to do that, why not PR a partnership with Ebay and Amazon while you are at it. What a joke.

You should be ashamed Mr. Glynn!


03/22/11 7:38 AM

#32887 RE: lumpina #32859

Thanks, I left Ken a voice mail a few months back regarding a huge alternate energy fair that is held in WI, oldest/biggest in the midwest. At the time I was thinking it would be a great place to pick up franchise holders. they have lots of breakout seccion, eyc, which I think Ken could do well at.


03/22/11 9:35 AM

#32888 RE: lumpina #32859

Mods, please sticky this


03/22/11 12:01 PM

#32895 RE: lumpina #32859

Lumpina, i think youve done a great job asking Ken all these questions! These answers tell me that the company has a future, takes time but there is a progress!