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03/20/11 11:00 PM

#202932 RE: Larrywh #202931

mor·i·bund adj \'mo?r-?-(?)b?nd, 'mär-\
Definition of MORIBUND
1: being in the state of dying : approaching death
2: being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence
— mor·i·bun·di·ty \?mo?r-?-'b?n-d?-te, ?mär-\ noun
See moribund defined for English-language learners »
Examples of MORIBUND
an actor who is trying to revive his moribund career
The peace talks are moribund.

Still believing!


03/21/11 2:22 AM

#202933 RE: Larrywh #202931


It's only his figure of speech, I guess. I admire your faith in XeChem, as always.