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03/19/11 12:40 PM

#5094 RE: Budworth #5089

I have been looking over the latest financial report a little more. I see 71 employees, WOW. That is a lot! I also see about 250,000,000 dollars of losses in the history already. That is a lot. While that is a sunk cost and an investment, and is deductible against future profits, when I compare it to historical revenues so far ($1 million dollar per year average), I must question the sanity of prior investors ( though I do not question their dedication!!!! LOL).

While I can see revenues ramping up fast with the NY system on line, I have not see any projections on the expected ROI for that plant, nor any real indication that it will show positive cash flow or earnings after IDTA, above the interest, depreciation and debt service, and therefore question its immediate impact on ongoing losses?

From my perspective energy is cheaper now than it was 3 years ago, about 4 times cheaper where I live for electricity than early 2008, due to huge drops in utility demand and an 80% reduction in natural gas prices due to a glut now.

On the other hand, there is a move to push more solar and less nuclear power now, and Coal still faces many issues, such as ash disposal, and new EPA GHG and mercury emission limit targets and new rules, which makes the flywheel technology look like it has a promising future.

One other thing I think I see is a need to own the plants they build, to generate long term continuous revenues, which means they need large dollar loans, more debt, and that will take positive revenue and the elimination of ongoing losses to get such loans, unless the DOE keeps funding them (which I don't see happening). I don't think I see them surviving on just one time revenues from sales to large power grid operations, based on their operating cost history? I also fear a cash rich firm takeover in the future while I am still holding shares I already have a loss on, which just locks in my losses if the takeover happens at low prices (I have been burned that way many times).

Don't get me wrong. I own some shares that I bought recently, but I have a loss now on them, and I am questioning the short term future price and value of this stock. I overestimated the impact of the NY plant start up news, and I had not had the time to look deeply into their ongoing losses which have surprised me now that I have looked deeper.

Regarding your comment: "
Point of this being is that they are just getting their feet wet when it comes to revenue"

That is what worries me!!!!