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03/18/11 12:26 AM

#333688 RE: Wire #333686

The venues are not lawyers you are comparing tomatoes with dogs. A lawyer has a duty as an officer of the court and a member of the bar. Filing what obviously appears to be completely bogus suit to harass and intimidate is a totally different thing than taking money to advertise for a sponge.
There are lots of "real criminals" including moskofraud and metter.
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03/18/11 6:44 AM

#333690 RE: Wire #333686

wire, you seem intent on protecting an ethically challenged individual. Why is that?

Alan Heller lied to the courts.

1. He claimed he was hired to sue me and the NY Post. the facts are, he was not. he never had me in any of the draft versions of the lawsuit and only added me the day before the case was filed. I have proof as I have copies of each draft.

2. Alan Heller failed to investigate personal jurisdiction (can I be sued in the state of NY) and on the day he inserted me into the lawsuit he had my place of residence as "whereabouts unknown". My address was added the day of the filing. Heller, as a legal representative of the courts is REQUIRED to conduct proper legal due diligence and he did not. He filed a case he NEVER researched.

3. Alan Heller told the courts in a filing that he ran this lawsuit past Spongetech's SEC attorney (i.e. the attorney representing Spongetech in their wells notice). Fact is, Heller did not know this attorney by name and only asked Moskowitz to run it past this so called individual if one even exists. Heller did not verify anything, he threw it over the wall and hoped for the best. that is neglegence.

4. Alan Heller walked away from this case BEFORE any court gave him authorization to do so and jeopardized any case out there. The courts did not authorize him to withdraw so Heller simply stopped working for his client. Sykes, the short seller in the short and distort, was never served because Heller could not be bothered. He did not want to bill hours he knew he would not get paid for despite his legal obligations to do so. This non-action violates the NY Professional Code of Conduct.

And there is more I have but that should be sufficient to show that Heller was negligent and acted outside the codes of his profession when he took on this case without verifying it's intent. It is illegal for an attorney to file a frivolous lawsuit where the intent of the lawsuit is to intimidate or injure another parry. Heller did just that.

So Alan, you know how to find me if you so choose.

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03/18/11 6:53 AM

#333691 RE: Wire #333686

BTW...did you know that the scumbag actually wrote a response to the Disciplinary Committee that accused me of extortion? He claims that I have no right to discuss a settlement WRT my countersuit because to discuss a settlement is extortion.

Heller also used an event that took place this past November (November 2010) involving Teri Buhl as evidence that she was guilty in her attacks on Spongetech.

In a case regarding slander, Heller has personally slandered myself, Teri Buhl, and Roddy Boyd by his actions.

Heller is scum and the Disciplinary committee needs to envision the true depths of his willingness to injure other parties and using the court system to do so. The man is driven by greed and his firm, including dad, are ticked off he took this case.
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03/18/11 10:35 AM

#333699 RE: Wire #333686

Heller is a lawyer ... he knew better or should have .. ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law ..

he now pays the price for his greed, laziness or ignorance in his own profession ....
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03/18/11 10:50 AM

#333701 RE: Wire #333686

-> That is like saying all the sports venues where Spongetech advertised were complicit in the fraud too, they as well happily took money from Moskowitz.

~!~ That's a totally nonsensical statement and illogical analogy. Why?

1. Advertisers take money for advertising, that's the biz...
2. Moskofraud NEVER really paid the advertisers...