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03/17/11 7:25 AM

#2969 RE: rlivingston #2968

Well put. That is one of the most practical statements made on this board. The only point or difference that I would add is the fact that the company has aquired the Montana lease and set a closing date for the Bama deal. Removing the possibility of the china deal falling through like deals of the past, they are building the resources to supply and I do not think they would be doing this to become attractive to potential clients but rather line up their resources to supply current clients. In my opinion CCG. Full disclosure I one of those longs that average price is higher then current. I will not take the lose that I would if this was another company. Debt yes, but I feel potential is outweighing that right now. Thanks again.
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03/17/11 8:21 AM

#2971 RE: rlivingston #2968

Right rlivingston, I think also that PAST is holding back some investors, as well as fueling some short's hopes.

What they are not taking into account is that those 2008 deals most probably would've materialized if not thwarted by that very year's generalized economic partial collapse.

I agree CPOWS present circumstances are very different, that is, talking just about the current ones, are all in favor of CPOW and its longs. I think they are missing the big picture, for focusing on a partialities: CPOW's old financials and struggling past.

If that is all the data somebody has (the past one), I would think also "CPOW is coming back down for sure!". Some refuse to look at the present and potential future because that is against their interests, they refuse to do an objective DD, they stay with the info Sykes and Lebed spoon fed them, and now is too late, the money is on the table. Though they could start covering, but not much time left for them, IMHO.
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12/26/11 9:17 PM

#5168 RE: rlivingston #2968

Very insightful post, now we can add the multitude of PR's that didn't happen either. History does in fact repeat itself, :

Alabama Nope
Montana Nope
China Nope
New Plant Nope
Plant upgrade Nope (decided to sell instead)
Ashcroft Bio Nope, Nope and Nope
New Management Nope
New CFO Nope
Dr Freeman Nope
New Brazilian advisor Nope
California advisor Nope
New Contracts Nope
Accurate and timely Financials: Nope

And whatever else I've forgotten.

Happy New Years!!!! May 2012 be more profitable than 2011