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03/16/11 11:31 PM

#41599 RE: HDOGTX #41597

nice, perfect time to be checking in
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03/16/11 11:39 PM

#41603 RE: HDOGTX #41597

HUGE, just downloaded and read through, thanks for posting.

Now I see that was hours ago, new to me. Big AH news.
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03/16/11 11:54 PM

#41607 RE: HDOGTX #41597

Thank you very much Harry! everything falling into place one step at a time.
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03/17/11 12:13 AM

#41613 RE: HDOGTX #41597

HDOGTX, Thank you for another comprehensive piece of information & elaborating huge scope of QSGIQ.... Hold long is big worth.

All posts are my personal opinions. IMO> ONLY.
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03/17/11 12:30 AM

#41617 RE: HDOGTX #41597

Wow! Great news. Thanks for posting yet another positive pacer filing! Thanks again to all the longs and moderators who've been putting in extra time on this board. This has been clearly worth the wait. Go QSGI!
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03/17/11 12:55 AM

#41621 RE: HDOGTX #41597

Green day on a green day, happy St. Pat's everyone...What a way to celebrate, with some major green.
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03/17/11 9:21 AM

#41683 RE: HDOGTX #41597

That's HUGE HDOG!!!
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03/18/11 11:23 AM

#42797 RE: HDOGTX #41597


QSGIQ Huge AH filings 3-16-11 Conformation Affidavit & Proponent's Report

Talk about huge information, showing Class 1,2,3 Fully Accepting, class 4 99% accepting, class 5 100% and class 6 100%!!! Yeeee Hawwwww!!

QSGIQ, Set to Emerge From BK with Commons intact as Legacy Shares then Merge with KruseCom, the Cinderella Q stock is about to get her glass slipper and run!!!!

ALL BALLOTS IN!! Overwhelming Majority Vote to Accept the Plan!! Commons remain and Merging into KruseCom

Unsecured voting YES $2,758,286 NO $ 36,000 ( 98.7%) talley 90 yes ...4 no .....

QSGIQ Conformation hearing approaching Quickly, 3-21-11!! Commons unscaved and remain as Legacy Shares, followed by the Merger with KruseCom to finish the Reorg and Re-branding of QSGI into KruseCom!!

After the Q comes off than we are going to R/M, into Kruse Control.

2. A cusip chnage!

2a. Move to a higher exchange!

3. Law suit with IBM, that could be worth millions to the share price.

4. Nol's that could be worth millions to the share price.

5. Countless PR's, and Filings.