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03/16/11 6:02 PM

#222467 RE: samplescave #222466

March 8th? too little too late- why did Deano hand over the blank certs to the Coppers? This baloney is a result of Jeff whooping thats azz back in oct. someone sues you counter sue only differece is that Jeff is legal and the rest is just plain old BS -Owens said no way any jury anywhere would ever side with these scumbags and you know what-I believe him
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LJ Silver

03/16/11 6:04 PM

#222468 RE: samplescave #222466

I'm sure you have been chompin at the bit to show us last filing from your side I'm sure.
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03/16/11 6:11 PM

#222474 RE: samplescave #222466

Thats not worth the paper its written on sorry.
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03/16/11 6:12 PM

#222475 RE: samplescave #222466

Just shaking my head!
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LJ Silver

03/16/11 6:14 PM

#222477 RE: samplescave #222466

Also this not a court order, its a complaint. Not signed by a judge. And I see you had to file on a different jurisdiction. Isn't deval other than Jacksonville? Joe can file all the complaints he wants. Even though he is on the shareholders side. Lmao
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Porgie Tirebiter

03/16/11 6:15 PM

#222480 RE: samplescave #222466

Now this is a very interesting web-site:

Now I'm sure that in the interest of fairness, a link will be provided in the I-Box immediately.
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03/16/11 6:25 PM

#222487 RE: samplescave #222466

The Written Consent of the Shareholders does not provide adequate proof that two shareholders are the beneficial owners of more than 50% of the voting shares of the company. The Series A Preferred is not a voting class, and doesn't vote on an as-converted basis. No proof of beneficial ownership is provided.

Canouse's argument quickly falls apart. The Company will be able to rebut this

I noticed the Certificates are undated. The Complaint says they were issued August 3, 2010. Wonder what consideration the company received for the Preferred? Nothing you say - then its fraud. Love to see the Board minutes approving the Preferred issuance.

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03/16/11 7:48 PM

#222521 RE: samplescave #222466

Nice website. Real informative. Learned a lot of "truth" there.

Expect that attorney may be getting some calls tomorrow.

This is another lame attempt by Dean and gang - one last stab, if you will.

Amazing that enemies have become friendlies for some.

I will sleep fine tonight - my conscience is clear.

BTW, spoon-fed links are not DD.
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future winner

03/16/11 8:34 PM

#222559 RE: samplescave #222466

i thought we the share holders owned qasp....... i m quessing this is why the meeting was delayed ?? why cant we just vote or have the "group" that controls the mojority share stake in this company just call a vote to jeff as pres.. and to go forward with the merge ...... end of story.. done deal the shareholders have spoken, i cant tell you how much i have at stake here,worried about the future here , this needs to happen, and happen soon, we want our company back
go jeff go james
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blue finch

03/16/11 9:32 PM

#222590 RE: samplescave #222466

what took Joe C and his well paid employees so long to file this?
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03/17/11 11:18 PM

#223196 RE: samplescave #222466


I hope you all sleep well~

P.S. Now THAT'S what I call DD Banker!



One day later:

"Oops! Internet Explorer could not find"

Sleep tight ...