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03/16/11 3:09 PM

#133390 RE: SilverSurfer #133389

"as Uncle Miltie pretty much said - greed is inevetable..."

He's right, but marketing greed (via deregulation, etc) isn't the answer.

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03/16/11 3:14 PM

#133391 RE: SilverSurfer #133389

SilverSurfer -- and no doubt you loved sitting in precious Uncle Miltie's lap

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Alex G

03/16/11 3:16 PM

#133392 RE: SilverSurfer #133389

"Uncle Miltie"... so how'd that free market no government regulation work out lately???

did you not notice the recent economic collapse due to deregulation of banking and derivatives

free market can regulate itself?

good god man, can you say Stuck on Stupid?
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03/16/11 3:22 PM

#133395 RE: SilverSurfer #133389 greed good?
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03/16/11 8:48 PM

#133441 RE: SilverSurfer #133389

SilverSurfer .. Your equating 'greed' with people making decisions in their 'self interest' .. doesn't work ..

One SIMPLE example .. yesterday when i paused inside an intersection before turning right, across the on-coming traffic flow, (you would be turning left), and watched 2 cars come through the amber light (that's legal in NSW) then sat patiently as a TOTAL ASSHOLE THIRD, a DICKHEAD, RUN A RED LIGHT i was acting in my self interest, the other was STUPIDLY AND UNSOCIABLE AND GREEDY.

Your equivalence ..

""greed is inevetable. The "Invisible Hand" of billions of people making trillions
of decisions in their 'self interest' creating a market place of supply and demand

is just a sleazy, disingenuous debating trick.

Your .. ""Who are these angels who will arrange society for us"? I don't even trust you do to that"

is just more stupid, hogwash.

PS: the asshole who would have totaled himself AND me IF I HAD TAKEN MY
'RIGHT' i'm sure would be into YOUR SO-CALLED FAKE 'FREE' MARKETS, TOO.

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03/24/11 4:25 AM

#134248 RE: SilverSurfer #133389

Invisible-hand-of the-free-market-man!

Suddenly, the mood at BP Command Center isn't so grim

By Tom Tomorrow
Tuesday, Jun 15, 2010 07:01 ET

Copyright ©2010 Salon Media Group, Inc. [comments at ]


Invisible Hand vs. Regulator

Can Invisible-Hand-of-the-Free-Market Man ever be stopped -- or lose popularity?

By Tom Tomorrow
Tuesday, Oct 19, 2010 07:01 ET

Copyright ©2010 Salon Media Group, Inc. [comments at ]


Alarmed by the so-called crisis in Japan?

The invisible hand of the free market explains nuclear safety

By Tom Tomorrow
Tuesday, Mar 22, 2011 07:01 ET

Copyright ©2011 Salon Media Group, Inc. [comments at ]