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03/15/11 11:28 PM

#25687 RE: mtnbiker123 #25684

Has anyone on this board ever made contact with the CEO?


03/15/11 11:39 PM

#25688 RE: mtnbiker123 #25684

One of first great post I have read here that speak to what I think is a logical, yes dream play.

Some how I also think this thing has some legs left - if Jacky was taking money, or doing something dishonest and there is $1 to $10 million missing, which he used to buy shares, and the business is as stated, well that would be something.

A dream... yes

But we could win with this halt, which may make we love the halt... again...

If the CEO was gone, I would be rethinking any upside, but as long as he is sitll there, we may have a going business...

A lot depends on who does the audit and how the PR firm makes this all come out.

Thank goodness for the upgrade in PR


03/16/11 12:51 AM

#25705 RE: mtnbiker123 #25684

The shorts obviously knew something ahead of time. They must have been tipped off that DTT was going to have an issue with the 10-K.
You don't go short half the float, then go naked, 5 million, 6 million, 7 million, 8 million shares. Then continue buying huge amounts of March puts just days before earnings, unless you KNOW something, absolutely know something.

All the outrageous hit pieces that came out were really designed to spread enough FUD that the shorts could cry "FRAUD!" at any little hiccup CCME might encounter. They raised the bar for the company to ridiculous heights. Turns out that hiccup was more along the lines of them puking on themselves, but still.

It doesn't matter how wrong MW or Citron actually were, they knew they could claim victory in the end and the shareholders would forget about them and turn all their anger on the company.

My question (which will likely never be answered) is who tipped them off?