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03/14/11 4:00 PM

#23375 RE: TheStock411 #23374

Actually I think pep is a computer just programmed to keep repeating itself over and over and over and over and over and over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!


03/14/11 4:12 PM

#23377 RE: TheStock411 #23374

Not to be positive or negative because however it played out wether intentional or not it came across poorly. However, 1) when has there been a company that did a reverse split yet gives back a bit almost immediately(not that it's a lot but hey it's something)2) Scrap USA is a productive company with an existing client base of 3-4k customers 3)Earth Metals with USRI a majority owner is a large company with US and international offices and clients 4) there is $1mm in cash from debenture with a $10mm credit line(no need for dilution) 5)a business plan that if continues to be executed will ignite substantial PPS gains.
Not saying I am happy but when you stop and really reflect on the situation I cannot remember where there was a pink that did a R/S but had all the positive factors above going for it. So this may well be one of those 1 out of 10 that actually makes the transition to be a homerun. We'll see.