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03/14/11 5:59 PM

#95 RE: stefanx #94

We need something to happen to move the share price up. It could be any one of the following:
1. 1st quarter finanicals release
2. Sellers run out of shares to sell
3. A high volume buyer steps in
4. A PR company gets hired and helps with a "pump and dump" to move it up
5. Eva Wang does her job, or home office does it for her and they push information out to the public.

The share price will not move up on it's own just because the old financials look good. Hope and change will not move the price up.

I have a lot riding on this as do most of you. The only thing we can hope to control is to force Ms Wang to do her job by swamping her with requests that she push out some positive news.

Other than that it is a waiting game for the financial release. For the financial release, 2-3 weeks more wait to see what will happen to share price based on that.

I sent Eva Wang a email today ago asking if company insiders are selling shares, asking when the 1st quarter finanicals will release, and DEMANDING she get some company news out into public. ( about 2 weeks ago she said via email no insider selloff was underway - I want to see her say it again).

Let's all gang up on her and see if we can get her to do the job she is paid for. Email and / or call her.

Does anyone speak Chinese that can call her and get a better response?

Home System Group
Attention: Eva Wang
Phone: 347-624-5699