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03/14/11 3:41 PM

#20004 RE: 19th Hole #20003

I believe Malcolm has disqualified himself to be a member of any board of a public listed company in the United States.

This most recent news release regarding the US Navy interest in EEGC is hard for me to believe.

Malcolm Bendall to do business with the US Government has to register as a Foreign Agent to legally meet any member of the US Congress;

No DOD official will meet with anyone without Congressional liason in advance;

No foreigner will be admitted into the Pentagon to discuss any commercial project without the following background information submitted in advance: the Flag officers will be demanding to know in advance "who in the hell is this guy?"

The suffering junior staffer will be required to put together a clearance request and based on the level of security, the following is usually required to be submiteed by Malcolm to his handler:

1. he will have to submit at least a five year history of all his international trips - stating the dates; countries visited; hotels stayed in with the address and phone number; list the names of the peopleme meet with, including the name of their business, address and phone number and nationality; and the purpose of the meeting. Each person listed and their family members will be traced - ti see the organizations they belong to; known arrests or security file data; and if any person that Malcolm associates with is a known terrorist or someone deported from the USA - Malcolm will most likely denied clearance. If Defense Intelligence Agency digs up alot of terrorist contacts - no matter how innocent; Malcolm could even be barred from re-entry into the USA.

2. He will have to list every place he ever resided - in exact order - no time gapes; with address and provide three references including their name; address and phone numbers that know Malcolm at the time that he was living at that residence. That is each location - including friends homes, hotels residence, apartment residence since he was born.

3. To officially meet with any US Government official, a itinery must be written in advance to include the purpose of the meeting; the request must go through channels for approval; meeting minutes must be taken, to include a address contact information of each attendee.

4. He would also have to submit a list of all judical proceedings, arrests and outstanding warrants.

5. He will also have to submit a list of all organisations that he has ever belonged to - including current organisations; their address and phone numbers.

6. A complete list of all immediate famiy members. That might cause some excitment within US Security agencies due to his father in law in Siberia.

7. Depending on the level of security required to discuss strategic plans such as fuel depots on foreign shores; even more information may be required.

8. Credit worthiness check. Depending on the level of clearance required - highest level clearances involve interviwing all references; and a detailed credit check. Credit worthiness is the major reason for US citizens being denied security clearances; anyone that ever filed bankruptcy or refused to pay a credit card debt will never get a US Security Clearance. I am not sure how it would apply to a foreign national - but basically the more negative the information, the more likely the suspiction of unreliability, and no creditability.

If such a meeting to discuss US Navy interest in oil exploration in Tasmania was held - I suspect Senator Rockefeller would start collecting the decapated heads of Navy Admirals for his ranch out in Jackson Hole Colorado. I suspect American oil interests would want to be the deal makers and not inexperiecned Admirals that know nothing of the real world of oil politics and ownership of the seven sisters interlocking global dynasty. Senators approve the selection and promotion to Admiral. Now you know one of the reasons why.

Frankly, with the cost of oil as it is, there should be no shortage of credable investor interest.

Macolms attempt in this latest news releases makes me believe he is simply trying to ride the shirt tails of the US Navy so as to pull his weight around the investors who are fed up with his incompetence.

Believe me - no one in the US Department Defense would ever meet with Malcolm without the Australian Royal Navy in attendance. Also due to our great relationship with the Australian Royal Navy, it is to the advanage of the US to let the Australian Navy deal with Malcolm's dreams of a gas station in Tasmania; the US Department of Defense does not want to get involved in management of anything in Australia, specially when the Austrain Royal Navy is so wonderfully manned and equipted.

Again, my experience in coordination; the US Navy is very tied into great relations with the Australian Royal Navy and they would never be present in a meeting a foreign national from Tasmania without strong represenatation from the Australian Defense Ministry at that meeting and specailly the Australian Royal Navy.

I believe after being an investor for six years and a owner of four million shares; MALCOLM DOES NOT GET IT.

please do not complain about my typos I have three bandaged fingers. also this message board does not have a word check.


James Krilich