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03/14/11 12:58 AM

#132956 RE: fuagf #132952

fuagf, thanks for the fresh point of view ...

Your article sees the process from the Teach
Union's point of view, not from the Taxpayer's
point of view.

From the taxpayer's point of view, all the money
supporting our public schools comes from TAXES
... , usually Property Taxes. If a teacher gets paid
$70,000 per year and is asked to contribute $8000
to his/her pension and health-care fund per year,
the taxpayer sees this as a TOTAL $70,000 expense.

If the Teacher is paid $70,000 per year and the
School District agrees to pay an additional $8000
into the teacher's pension and health-care fund, the
taxpayer sees this as a TOTAL $78,000 expense.

From the point of view of the Taxpayers, Governor
Walker is definitely asking the Teachers to make
less of a demand on the Taxpayers. In 4 years there
will be another election (or an earlier recall election),
and the voters can elect a new Governor. Nothing
is in concrete forever.