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Replies to post #185 on Porchers

Replies to #185 on Porchers
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im a survivor

03/18/01 10:37 AM

#189 RE: bonnuss #185

<<PS/Correction: I think that 'RedmondVA' should post as he/she chooses.

Documenting Voltaire's posts here is good, IMO, because it goes to credibility.

I don't mean at all to say that I 'will take the high road' -- seen that little manipulative ploy 'way too many times -- and it's funny -- those who do the most lying always 'get by with it.'

Frankly, Keith, you're very naive, IMO.>>

First of all's a free country.....I never said Redmond should not do what he is doing....I thought the question was a matter of how it was being done. Your right, we all should be held accountable for our actions...I agree wholeheartedly....but I 110% disagree with being disrespectful and mocking and taunting and etc.......No matter what anybody thinks, two wrongs do not make a right. Just because you were mocked or tauted, doesn't mean it is correct to do it I said, it is the bigger person that walks away, or acts in a mature manner while the other does his thing. I still stand by " treat thy neighbor as you wish to be treated"...if your neighbor treats you like $hit, then simply ignore him or don't associate with him.

I have nothing against accountability....I just think the bashing, taunting and mocking is ridiculous, uncalled for and has zero positive cosequences. If calling attention to V's mis-calls, or bob's mis-calls or anybodies, certainly it can be done, but why can't it be done out of attack mode? What good will be accomplished with you guys and porchers bashing each other back and forth? Nothing....If bringing to light others actions, market calls or etc is what you wish to do, then by all means, go for it....I just disgaree it should be done in a bashing manner...because all that will cause is retaliation, until somebody is the bigger person and just stops with it.

As far as redmond beef with him/her is he/she is obviously somebody from SI that has a beef with V. No problem...hey, lots of folks love the guy and lots hate the guy....but coming on here to the hub, with a different identity then at SI and then to bash somebody without disclosing who you are...well, that just doesnt seem right to me......Heck, I have no problem with folks here at the hub knowing who I dont...poet doesnt.....rose doesnt (although, one of you could be redmond...not saying you are, but you could be...thats my whole point) the simple reason this person wont say who he or she is leads me to believe suspect certain things.......And remember was you or pet or somebody that talked to me about experiences they had on other sites where folks anonymoulsy bashed you and etc, etc, didnt like it...didnt think it was fair or whole point is yes, by all means, this is a free country and if you wish to point out a persons actions, then so be could even be a good thing your doing it, but not if your doing it in a bashful manner. By the way, when I say you, I am speaking in general meaning anybody.

As far as me being naive.....well, you sure are entitled to your opinion, but I am not as naive as you think...heck, you were smart enough to find out my true identity ( not that I try to hide it at all obviously) a search on me....find out some history about will see I have been featured in several large, prominent, financial, not talking about little tidbits in wall street journal, although they did do a feature article on me at one point awhile back...anyway, not bragging by any means, and in fact, you never hear me even mentiong this to all those on the porch that think I am some idiot nobody...why? Because I have nothing to prove to anybody...but I am mentioning it now, just so maybe you may find out a little more about me and see I am not quite as naive as you may think. In fact, if the porchers knew who i really was, and did a little research on me, they also might be quite surprsied...after all, they all think I am some whinny little kid that only likes to be negative all the time.....if they only knew!!!!

Have a good day


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03/18/01 9:16 PM

#201 RE: bonnuss #185

Hi Bonnie,

"Maybe I think that 'RedmondVA' should post as he/she chooses"

Much to Keith's delight I'll reveal my true SI identity......drum roll.....I'm just Voltaire's alter ego (Dealer, that's not a personal attack yet, so there's no reason to delete this). That's why I have been posted as Redmond VA......Voltaire Anonymous (I actually wish I had tought of it at the time).

Keith, maybe I'm just V's Bruce Wayne..........yeah right.....Oh Keith BUY THIS MARKET.

Dealer, don't other delete this post.....I didn't directly attack a Porcher!

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im a survivor

03/19/01 1:39 PM

#214 RE: bonnuss #185

So, which way do you see the markets going.....predicion for low on naz, and when........?