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03/13/11 12:03 PM

#132912 RE: wall_rus #132910

"Koz" is a true anomoly. When he is in a playful mood, he is capable of posting truly humorous observations that make a bipartisan mockery of current discussions, and other times, when he tries to make serious observations on issues, he takes on the most extreme of right-wing talking points to the point of making a mockery of logic and common sense, and not to humorous effect. He should stop taking himself so seriously and stick to comedy.
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03/13/11 12:44 PM

#132914 RE: wall_rus #132910

Mine too. Wolff made excellent points! Unfortunately we have a large breed of teabaggers with little/no edu who cannot appreciate the importance of higher edu to self/country; they refer to an educated person as an "elitist".
A favorite pol of teabaggers Michelle Bachmann spoke recently at a GOP fundraiser in Nashua, NH and to prove she, like her counterpart Sarah Palin, doesn't know US history told the New Hampshire crowd "you're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord" - Bachmann did not know that event took place in Concord, MA - not Concord, NH.

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03/13/11 9:36 PM

#132950 RE: wall_rus #132910

Good video, wall, Professor Richard D. Wolff is an excellent dot connector ..

American corporations for decades shifting manufacturing jobs overseas .. recently also jobs which require higher
technical skills .. public higher education in the US produces > 80% of engineers, drafts people etc .. corporations
don't need those US trained people for their profits as they are now hiring them from places as India .. so American
corporations are withdrawing their support for higher eduction in the US .. disastrous for the long term future of the country ..

Reminded me of this excellent connecting the dots post ..

Sometimes people begin to connect the dots.

Dots: Tax cuts for the rich, then panic over resulting deficits, then calls for cuts in the things government does for We, the People.

Dots: Trade deals close factories, outsource jobs and pit workers against each other, then wages decline and unemployment
is really high, while all the money goes to a few at the top. Then calls to cut the wages and benefits of the rest.

Dots: Unions squashed, then pensions disappear, then calls to get rid of public-employee unions because they have pensions.

This is 2+ hours so revisit ..

Sept 29, 2010 mass protests across Europe .. "the economic crisis will not be paid for by burdens placed on the mass of people who were not responsible for producing the crisis, and who have already suffered it's consequences ... no austerity program .."

See also ..

Union protests spread across Europe
By Ben Hall in Paris, Victor Mallet in Madrid, Kerin Hope in Athens
Last updated: September 13 2010 23:26

Economic austerity plans are arousing the ire of trade unions across continental Europe, although the degree of militancy varies widely.

European cities hit by anti-austerity protests .. 29 September 2010

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03/14/11 1:03 AM

#132957 RE: wall_rus #132910

Dennis Kucinich is ON FIRE - Wisconsin

............Go DENNIS !!!!!!!!