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03/12/11 10:00 PM

#202901 RE: BB_Blue Chip #202900

Your right, the fat lady has sung
But Believe

BELIEVE:that we have judges who can't see through all the BS,especially when there is live at stake.Only when their own lives are at stake and their families do they act....sham sham

BELIEVE:that there are professional bankers who can't make a decision if their live depended on it, as long as they get their weekly paycheck why rock the boat

BELIEVE:and hope that Swift and Burg will be struck with a life threatening disease, and have a drug that can save their lives be snatched away from them, only then will they get flashbacks of how many lives they caused to dye from SCD

BELIEVE:that the good old Dr.Pandey could have helped Monty with all his connections and the outcome would have been different.But not one effort was made, so much for being a humanitarian

BELIEVE:that many lives will suffer on a daily bases and will dye, but the real tragedy is they had a drug dangled in front of them and their children then taken away.

Have a good night my last post