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03/11/11 6:40 PM

#13957 RE: queens9000 #13955

Roberto Rintondo does exist I'm 100 % sure of that.


03/14/11 1:00 AM

#13964 RE: queens9000 #13955

Go get him Queens. I find it a load of BS but are fully aware of the risks investing in PinkSheets.

There is no accountability or forced accountability for these companies. There is no due diligence done on them from any regulatory board such as SEC or otherwise.

We wonder why the North American economy is so F'd up. Just let any ass create a company with nothing, pay a PR firm to post reports that are clear lies and let them do it again and again.

While people wonder why these stocks then go to No bid, they either never had a product or service to begin with or they did and it never caught on, but are allowed to continue to increase share count and make people believe something might happen.

Will the SEC put there foot down on Shorting stocks. NO

Will they abolish Naked Shorting. NO

Will they regulate or hire a company to firmly regulate and monitor PinkSheets. NO

There is no chance a guy like Ralph Nader will ever get elected for president, which means there will never be protection for the regular consumer or investor. We will all pass away from old age before that day ever comes.

Good luck with NSPT, while you are at it buy a Power Ball ticket and rub two dice together and hope to roll sevens, ten times in a row.