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03/10/11 2:28 PM

#95789 RE: tygrek #95787

The 10K should be out in 3 weeks, or less. There will at least be SOME update there.


03/10/11 2:33 PM

#95790 RE: tygrek #95787

You really think they can't sell the fuel? LOL

Oh my.

And he cant be bothered to come out and directly tell the shareholders why he is unable to sell any fuel.


03/10/11 2:35 PM

#95791 RE: tygrek #95787

Interesting that you have evidence that JB is collecting a salary more than $1/yr.

Care to share that evidence, or is that a conclusion you came up with without supporting evidence?


03/10/11 2:39 PM

#95792 RE: tygrek #95787

Re: John Gets Paid Over $3,400 Per Week ....

I agree, for a CEO JB is terribly underpaid. Especially when you consider he is paid in Canada, way higher taxes with our socialist government. Introductory employees on Wallstreet make as much so technically, he is underpaid.

I agree with what JBI, not just John, is doing, they will tell us material information when there is something material to report. He was telling us all sorts of details a year ago and giving us all sorts of expected time lines and crap happened and people got very frustrated. The company learned a good lesson and only report material events, as they should.


03/10/11 2:46 PM

#95795 RE: tygrek #95787

$3,400.00 A WEEK? BIG DEAL!
He puts in more the 16 hours a day every day
and is growing and pruning a company that,
will soon blossom and turn into money..... Get it ;))
$180,000.00 grand a year is diddly-squat for
what he is doing. 100% of all NHL Hockey players
make TONS more then that for doing NADA.
I Hope that within a year JB is making $25,000.00 a Week.

capital gain

03/10/11 4:04 PM

#95808 RE: tygrek #95787

How do you get that to be at least 4 Months




03/10/11 4:30 PM

#95816 RE: tygrek #95787

If you could please tell me how he is delaying the have an official link that says there was one already scheduled that he is now delaying from okay then I get it, but you are using words that are not true .....


03/17/11 1:07 AM

#96519 RE: tygrek #95787

Does 144,000 gallons a week work for you?

And he cant be bothered to come out and directly tell the shareholders why he is unable to sell any fuel.