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03/10/11 1:33 AM

#132482 RE: fuagf #132480

Carlos Slim & the 'Narco-Politicos'

February 3 2009
by Daniel Hopsicker

Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire whose $250 million cash infusion bailed the New York Times out of a tight cash crunch last week, has long-standing business ties with wealthy Mexican businessmen suspected of involvement in Mexico's so-called “Cartel of the Southeast,” the drug trafficking organization (DTO) based in Cancun which came to light two years ago with the crash on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula .. .. of an American-registered (N987SA) Gulfstream jet carrying nearly four tons of cocaine.

A long-time lieutenant of Carlos Slim's, Fernando Chico Pardo, left Slim's employ to take over ASUR, a publicly-traded corporation which observers accuse of moving large quantities of cocaine through Cancun International Airport, which the company runs and manages.

ASUR controls a total of a dozen Mexican airports, and exemplifies the “corporatization” which has transformed the drug trade in the same process of vertical integration and market consolidation which has left, in other large industries, like automobiles, a handful of global multinational players dominating market share worldwide.

Slim's big investment represents an encroachment into the ownership of an icon of American democracy of a man, and a massive fortune, whose provenance have gone largely unexamined. But on the topic of Slim's shady dealings, all eyes seem to be curiously averted. However it seems highly doubtful the Times' ownership is unaware of them.

The barely-concealed facts regarding Carlos Slim’s shady connections are well-known to journalists in Mexico. They deserve to become more well-known here in the U.S., because links between Mexico's exploding narco-economy and current-world's-richest-man Carlos Slim don’t end with Fernando Pardo's ASUR.

Too Rich and Too Slim

Regardless of how his investment in the New York Times does, analysts say, Carlos Slim comes out a winner. His quarter-billion dollar investment buys him prestige as an owner of one of the world's best-known and most-influential newspapers that his status as the world's second-richest man cannot.

more ..

It was just a thought.


03/10/11 3:53 AM

#132485 RE: fuagf #132480

To the wealthy elite, Federal Government, Federal Reserve and the MSM...America isn't broke, and life is grand. Ditto for the world around us.

To the growing mass of unemployed and is a struggle....this group cares less if America is broke or not, they are more concerned about which bills should be paid or how they plan on feeding their families that evening.

To the group of uneducated persons, ignorance is bliss.....for "varmit huntin'" is a far more intoxicating experience than expanding their horizons at a library, or at a school, etc.

The wealthy elite, the politicians that serve them at the Federal and State level, the corporate friendly MSM, the corrupt Federal Reserve and the uneducated mass of low class "citizens", life is grand.

To the unemployed and the underemployed, they are in a place where the "eye doesn't see".

Revolutions are started not because of arrogant governors like Scott Walker and Rick Perry, or out of touch politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, or by corrupt banking institutions, etc.

They're started by those who are hungry, tired and angry. They're started by those who are sick and tired of being ignored. They're started by those who see our great nation being degraded by the wealthy few....

If it ever comes to this, it will be fought by what was once known as the "middle class"....and they will be the ones who will restore glory to this great nation of ours.
