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03/07/11 10:27 PM

#38976 RE: Flagirl #38975

I am told the numbers in the 10K are accurate.
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03/07/11 10:33 PM

#38977 RE: Flagirl #38975

I would think there would be record available of the people who represented the 24% (approximate) of outstanding shares that was mentioned in the latest 8K.

Fla girl, you said you believed there were 6 people there. Was that really it? No way could those 6 people (plus CEO Jack and Secretary Carl) truly represent 24% of outstanding shares, right? Or maybe I'm reading the 8K statement wrong?

I wish CEO Jack would be more transparent. Does anyone know who verified the proxy vote results? I am also curious as to who the people are that represented the 37 million shares supporting the reverse split.

Fla girl, very curious as to what your thoughts are on our current CEO Jack P Cukjati. I just started posting last week, but I've been reading the EXBX IHUB boards for two years. Are you new to this board? Regardless, welcome aboard! Hold on tight cause this ride is going to get real bumpy real soon!

Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

A compilation of the proxy’s which were received and tallied at the annual shareholders meeting indicated that approximately 24% of all outstanding shares were represented. The following votes (rounded to the nearest million) were tallied on each Proposal. Election of the current Board: 53 million For, 33 million Against, 5 Abstained; Proposal for changing auditors: 61 million For, 12 Against, 18 Abstained; Proposal for transferring technology to 100% owned SUEZ: 59 million For, 16 million Against, 17 Abstained; Proposal to sell technology to Burnt Hickory 50 million For, 9 million Against, 4 Abstained. Proposal giving authority to the board to effect a reverse split 37million For, 52 million Against, less than 1 million abstained.

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03/07/11 10:40 PM

#38979 RE: Flagirl #38975

CEO Jack told me over the phone a week or so before that shareholder meeting that he was going to have security there, because LaserGuy and some others weren't welcomed due to some prior incident. Curious LaserGuy if that is true?

Regardless, that is what CEO Jack told me. Based on my many conversations with CEO Jack, CEO Jack hates LaserGuy, in my opinion of course!
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03/07/11 11:21 PM

#38984 RE: Flagirl #38975

That one person in the crowd sure seems like a plant.

Wonder if the plant was the elusive Eric?
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03/08/11 12:26 AM

#38991 RE: Flagirl #38975

There are several posts that have been deleted from around the time of the SH meeting ~Jan.20. I wonder why.

One of the posts stated how well the meeting was run according to Robert's Rules of Order and how it was well represented and led us to believe much favorable inroads had been made. Something to that effect.

I can't find it now so I wonder if it was among the deleted because it was the handi-work of our CEO who may have "double-dipped" as a poster and got permanently canned from here ... just wondering. Does anyone recall the post or the content of it.

Now I see there were only 6?